~ Collin and Janet Smith ~
Our Online Wedding Album
July 14th, 2002
Me, trying to calm my nerves.
Collin, looking quite dashing.
Collin's brother Wesley escorting his maternal grandmother, Melinda Byrd.
Collin's mother, Daria and father, Ron.
My mother, Linda, and step-father Bob.
Me, with Harrison(Collin's nephew) and Jeremy(my nephew) giving instructions.
The WALK... (we almost played the Imperial Death March, but I was overruled, 3-1).
Collin and Mark, his best man. (Collin was terrified by this point).
The Lighting of the Unity Candle.
Some random point in the ceremony.
My Bride's Maid of Honor (her FULL title) Anne.
And we now pronounce you husband and wife...
Can I have my flowers back?
I told you, I was the shorted in the wedding party!
Receiving line.
Receiving line. part 2.
That's MY mommy!
After Pictures
Anne, Mark, Collin and I (we dress up GOOD).
Our boys. They did so well. I'm so proud.
Mark and Anne again.
Collin and I surrounded by my closest friends Melissa, Heather, Anne, Lessa, and Wanda (with child, Anastasia) (what a ladies man!!)
Collin's Family.
My Family
WE DID IT!!!!!!!