Well Come, Traveller!
And Welcome to the Land of Dragrins!
Don't know what a Dragrin is?
Then you've come to the right place!
Here you can learn ALL about Dragrins.
You can even get one for your very own here!
But first, meet the family.

I'm Chuckles, the one in green. The pink Lady is my 'significant other', Chucole.
The winged ones are my brother, Chortle and my sister-in-law, Chorelle.
As you can tell from their dark colours, they're the less upstanding branch of the family.

What are Dragrins?
Well, Dragrins are a sort of Dragon-kin.
Just not quite so BIG!
( Or Fearsome)
And most Dragrins prefer a good practical joke over razing a village,
or a good hearty laugh over stealing a Maiden Fair.
But then, WE don't have all those Knights chasing us around either!
Dragins are joksters and jesters and just fun to be around.
And to have around!
Most Dragrins anyway. There are a few, like my brother there, who aren't always fun. They like mean practial jokes, and find the misfortune of others amusing.
Fortunately, there aren't very many Dragrins like Chortle.
So, wander around our Lands and enjoy our humor.
And if you take a liking to one of the youngsters, the chucklets, well, just say so, and they'll be glad to go home with you and just be funny little Dragrins on your pages.

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