The Dragons' Laire Credits Page

The Dragons' Laire

Firmly believes in giving Credit where credit is due.

These are the Artists whos' gracious offering of their work has made this site possible. Please show your appreciation by visiting their sites.

Most of their work is free for the using. All of their work is worth seeing.

Thou Shalt Honour The Artists, Writers, And Creators Of This World

MadCows' Graphics.

Ambers' Dragon PagesGraphics by Nomad the CyberQueen, of the Widows Web Graphics by Ann Stratton and SS Studios Here Be Dragons!
Dragon Icons by Jacqueline Hamilton@Lightsphere Celtic Art by Rowan FairgroveThe Dep-ART-ment Store
HTML Goodies HTML Tutorials
Moyras' Web JewelsGIF Wizard Graphics reductionsThe Celtic Lady WebMistress of the Realm
Catalas' Wicca and More Site


If you find any of your work on our pages
and you have not been given credit and a link,
Please write me. I'm easy!
Send your nasty e-mail
(sans vulgarity, since intellectual insults are much more fun!)


Be sure and include your URL
so I can find your link and place it here!
And if you don't see your work but you see your link

Don't complain!

It's free advertising for you!
Besides, I have been to HUNDREDS of sites
in the short time since we moved in,
and I'm easily confused!
So, to cover my .....well, you know what I mean,
if I grabbed something from you, I gave you credit,
whether or not I have used it. Okay? Good!

Colin D. MacDonald

Lord of the Dragons' Laire

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