Well Come, Traveler
To The
Dragons' Laire

The Lord Colin and Lady Moira MacDonald
began The Dragons' Laire on 11/12/97 14:19:41, and we're still building.
Here you will find Things of Dragons, Fantasy, Scotland, and Celts.
Mostly because those are the things we like and this is our page!!
This is also the home of Chuckles and the Dragrins,
Dragons, Fairies, Wizards, and other Creatures Fantastic.
Watch here for original humor, cartoons, art,
and great related links as we build.
Email us at colinmacdonald@yahoo.com and give us your opinion.
( We may even take you seriously! )

Take Me Home With You

Some Causes Require Every Man Good and True, Rally to Them.
Such as This One!

Chuckles' Didyeno:

Didyeno that: The Banshee of myth is actually a creature descended from the Celtic baen-sidhe (bahn-she) which rather literally means woman of the woods, or faerie-lady. The faerie-Lady would "adopt" a worthy family. In original Celtic mythology the baen-sidhes' moan or wail meant there was an impending death in the House she adopted. This eventually became the Wail of The Banshee which brings madness and Death.
Didyeno? Now ye do!

Enter The Dragons' Laire

Come In and


Slainte Mhor! {Good Health!} And Haste Ye Back!

The Author is
a member of

The HTML Writers' Guild
Thou Shalt Honour the Artists, Writers, and Creators of this World!
MadCows' Graphics

This Site is Constantly

Chuckles the Dragrin

The Dragons' Laire site and its' contents are © Copyright, 1997-2004 DWB, unless otherwise stated herein. All rights reserved. It is made possible in part through the use of various artists' work. Copyright of such material belongs to the Original Creator. Please show your appreciation of their work by visiting the Credits page at the end of our Links pages.
In especial The Dragons' Laire offers our most profound gratitude to MadCow at MadCows' Graphics for our title header graphics, nearly every button used to start up this site, and his Sage advice. Visit His site for Great graphics.
Slainte Mhor, Brathair Seoladair!

Thank You.
Lord Colin and Lady Moira MacDonald

Number of our friends
and relatives to visit
this site since 11/12/97

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