In the days and weeks to come you will see a LOT more stuff here, as I try to figure all this stuff out. Yesterday I inadverently created a DIFFERENT Home Page here on GeoCities. It's Tpage.htm --
Your guess is probably better than mine as to how acesss it.
If anyone can offer me advice as to how to add files from my computer onto this Home Page, I'd welcome it...
I also have another, somewhat more sophisticated (but still embryonic) Home Page on AOL.
It's current topic is PURE PULP! , and features some pictures of my own Pulp Hero, THE CRIMSON BAT.
It's link is listed below.
I will probably use this web space for my more SCIENCE FICTION related musings, and I intend to cover ealry SPACE OPERAS on RADIO and TELEVISION, such as CAPTAIN VIDEO.
There are SPACE OPERA related links, but I don't have the URL's at hand.
I'll add them to this site soon.
Links to other sites on the Web
My AOL Home Page
My Pal Joe Sena's Dungeon of Darkness Site
*********** See you in the funny papers! ************
© 1997