The World of Vagra PBEM

House Rules

Campaign Scenarios

Author's Commentary

Background Material


House Rules:

Note: These Rules have been slightly revised as from 30 June 2000.

1) While most fantasy RPG's can be played on Vagra, the present PBEM is basically an AD&D campaign, although there are a number of modifications and setting-peculiar rules. However if you are familiar with AD&D gameplay you should have no trouble adventuring here.

2) Most standard and extended medieval-fantasy races and classes are accepted. This includes "dark folk" such as gnolls, should you wish to play them. However the actual choice of race/class in any given PBEM is dependent on game and group dynamics. You should provide at least one option when stating your preferences.

3) Beginning Players (new to the Vagran PBEM) will in general be confined to the following Races: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Halfling, Dwarf; and to the following Classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Cavalier, Ranger, Archer; Thief, Bard, Jester; Priest (whether or not of specific mythos), Druid, Shaman; Magic-user (whether or not specialist), Witch-doctor. Acceptance of other races/classes will be strictly at the DMs discretion in consultation with the rest of the Party.

4) Alignment may be any, subject to GMs discretion. A PC's true nature will remain secret unless the PC chooses to reveal it - or has it revealed by eg magical means. But be sure you know what each Alignment means for your PC before you choose it!

5) Ability Scores are determined from a (standard) maximum of 80 points, with differentials applied to high and low scores. The resultant "differential scores" are what is added toward the 80 total. You can choose to total less, or even slightly more (if you can afford it - see below) but once the scores are accepted by the GM they cannot be changed.

Note that any adjustments for race, class, or age are applied AFTER the scores are chosen, and do not affect the differentials.

The base scores (what you give your PC) and their equivalent value for the purposes of determining your total (how its added up) are:
5 (min) = 3.5
6 = 5
7 = 6.5
8 = 7.75
9-14 = 9-14
15 = 15.25
16 = 16.5
17 = 18
18 = 19.5
18(%)add 0.5 for each additional step (to max. 18(00)= 22.)

And see Rules 6 & 7.

6) Any points left over after allocation of Ability Scores will be translated into GP at a rate of .1 to 10. Thus 1 whole point left (a score totalling 79) gives you 100 GP.

7) Each PC receives 200 GP to start, from which all equipment etc (except basic clothing - but please still list this) must be purchased. Standard AD&D Edition 2 prices apply for all initial purchases - after this prices will be as determined by the trade rules/conditions of any given locality on Vagra.

NOTE: You can spend some of your starting money on extra ability points at the same 10:1 ratio - eg if your equivalent Ability points total adds up to 80.25 you would spend 25gp to keep those stats. Of course this might mean you can't buy that sword you like ....

8) Proficiency choices are entirely up to the Players as per the PCs Class and Level, with the exception that "unusual" Proficiencies by race/background must be explained to the GMs satisfaction. All percentages etc derived for a Character Sheet or given in Tunr Choices (where applicable) are of course Base figures which will be modified by circumstance etc.

9) Similarly the PCs background (birth family, upbringing, etc) is in general the Players' choice, but in negotiation with the GM. Some modifications may be made to suit game mechanics. Sex, age, appearance etc are all Player choices.

10) In addition each PC has a starting 2% chance per Level to possess a Magic Item - generally considered to be a family heirloom. This is a GM determination of course.

11) There are no psionics. Don't even ask.

12) There is a natural 5% chance of being ambidextrous, otherwise "handedness" is a Player choice, or optionally a GM determination (15% left-handed). If not naturally ambidextrous a PC pays one Weapon Proficiency slot to develop this skill. Note that all standard Specialisation rules are accepted. Otherwise "off-hand use" is at the standard penalty of -2.

13) Finally, the maximum starting Level for new Players' PCs is 4 if it is a new Game or Group, the Group average -2 if it is an additional PC to an existing Group. However every PC Level is a GM determination dependent on game mechanics/group balance etc.

Any new Party must have an average Level of 2.5 approx. (a spread of from 1 to 4). In adjudging starting Level for any particular PC, character development and background will be major factors considered.

Campaign Scenarios

There are a wide range of campaign scenarios and associated modules to choose from on Vagra. However only those detailed below are available for new-Game starts for PBeM purposes. That said, it should be noted that the current Game began at the Alvarin start location, and (to date) all PCs have been introduced in that context.

Author's Commentary:

Though characters can (subject to certain restrictions) start anywhere, the basic premise in my game- playing is that they are "adventuring", i.e. exploring the world or at least their corner of it. Characters tend to be drawn into specific Modules through circumstance and locality rather than choice - much like real life! I prefer to have PCs cope with unlooked for situations rather than send them on quests where the eventual outcome is known/can be guessed ... I like my Players/PCs to use their grey matter to figure out what they need to do to be "successful" in any given context, and to have choices as to whether they tackle a problem or leave it alone.

Vagra is a "hidden-premise" world, i.e. the fundamentals behind existence on Vagra and the reasons the world works the way it does are multi-layered and difficult to (ultimately) determine. Its a challenge that no PC has yet fully come to understand (although one of my face-to-face PCs has come close!) Suffice here to say that while all "standard" racial types are present, each history is limited - though in the elves' case it stretches to nearly 7000 years.

In developing Vagra I began with "the Western Kingdoms", the nine major and several minor realms that "today" (870 AL) make up the human lands of western Zule, a continent in the northern hemisphere. To date I have extended my material to cover most of western Zule, including the Illinian Empire (elves & half-elves), the north-west barbarians (human), the dervishes of Aer Desert (human), the dwarves of the Rockhome and Aspernel Mts, the northern wastes (gnolls & trolls), the Mangos Mt gnomes, the drow of Blade Peninsular, the orcs of the eastern desert, etc ... and am beginning to flesh out eastern Zule (the orient). The area of detail encompassed to date is approx 3500x2500 miles. The world outside this area is known only in generalities.

Background Material:

There is a wealth of background material available for western Zule, and depending on exact setting you will receive a suitable synopsis before play begins. This will be via email Links.

There are also a number of Game-Aids products in development. Players wishing to obtain hardcopy or diskcopy of additional Game-Aids etc should note there will be charges attached.

Provision of background information is conditional on acceptance of each Player in the game. You will be required to formally acknowledge acceptance and agree to maintain confidentiality of copyright material.


The pace of play is largely as determined by the Players, but Turns will average one per week (sometimes play may be virtually daily, other times there may be a gap of two weeks or even more, depending on inter-active circumstances). Players are asked to commit to a minimum of one Turn return per week, ie to return an answer to a published Turn within 7 whole days. As wide a range of Options as feasible will be presented each Turn, not only to complete that Turn but to set up the next. Where practical these may be multiple choice checkbox forms.

Initially there will be several pages of such checkbox forms to fill out - a bit of a (optional) chore but well worthwhile in the long run, as providing the GM with a depth of background information speeds up gameplay later. Choices can always be modified for any Turn.

Players are encouraged to communicate with each other once their PC's are introduced in the Game.

A good grasp of the English language is highly desirable but not essential. Currently there are several Players in the PBEM with minimal English - we try to accommodate everyone. However this is, by its nature, a text-based Game (see Note below).

Where it is necessary/desirable to attach files, please Note: The current host machine is a GA-5AX PC (equivalent Pentium II+) running Windows 98 with Netscape as the preferred browser (currently version 4.7). Major programs include Word97 and Works 5. Please tailor your format to suit. Virtually all graphics applications are supported - BMP, GiF and JPEG preferred.

NOTE: The Vagran PBEM is intensely text-based and encourages characterisation and inter-PC/Player relationships. Good dialogue and thoughtful inter-action with other PC's are key elements. This is role playing for real, not a substitute video game. If you want to "see the monster/kill the monster", go elsewhere.

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Copyright B Bisset Write at it Productions 1997-2000