Phillipe Gaston
phillipe gaston

Matthew Broderick plays the character of Phillipe Gaston, "the Mouse". In the book, the author adds a little somthing or other about Phillipe being the long lost prince of somewhere but he doesn't know it and, since it is only mentioned once in the book, and never in the movie (thank God, that would be far too cliche), we can simply take him at his word, unreliable as it is.
Phillipe is a street urchin and an expert pickpocket and petty thief. He talks aloud to God, because, if no one else will listen, God will. He is my personal favorite character in the movie, and very amusing<;0)
Here is my collection of Phillipe pictures:

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Fan Mail for Matthew Broderick:

Matthew Broderick
P O Box 69646
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Links for Matthew Broderick

Filmography for Matthew Broderick
Basic Matthew Info - It's very basic and not bad...a few pictures I think, but, in all, not much.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Very good pictures and sounds of a really great movie!<;0)
The Ferris Bueller Page - Not much yet.
Interesting Matthew Broderick Links

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This page was last updated November 29th, 1998

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