Ummm...Thank you all for visiting my site, if you have any comments about ANYTHING, even if it seems stupid and insignificant (like, if I spelled something "and" - "adn" see, the program I do this in doesn't have a speeleenk cheque!!) PLEASE email me by all means!! I live to fix things and make them better on my sites, and handling three isn't know, I have to keep up on if my guestbooks are working and my counters are working and keep backup files of all my pages on all my sites (ok, see, I have this one,my John Malkovich page, my Outsiders page, my Powder page, my personal page... *geesh*)
Anyway, here are the links to Ladyhawke things:
•Fable's Ladyhawke Page - This is the best Ladyhawke page on the internet (with the possible exception of this one maybe...*wink*) and it is great, I love it!!
•Videoflicks' Review - a reveiw of Ladyhawke
As I believe I may have mentioned before, I own a copy of the Ladyhawke novel:
You can see from the above picture that it is by the same person as wrote the Dune novel...It's a very good book and I like it a lot...It really gives you a better understanding of the movie...Though I doubt the book itself is still in print (Seeing as it was published in 1985...), you might find yourself lucky if you can find it in your local used book store...That's where my sister picked up our copy, and it has certainly been worth her $1.25 !
The new release of the soundtrack is, I believe, still in stores. But you may have to check the large wherehouses (is that really how you spell it?) such as the Virgin Megastores(that's where I got my mom's copy), or Best Buy perhaps...
Ok, I hope I have accomplished my goal...which was simply to bring Ladyhawke fully and as completely to best of my limited ability to the world wide web!!
This page was last updated on November 29th, 1998