Fluffy's Spot
I've been meaning to put a page up for awhile. So, here it is.

My name is David Pettit and I am an Application Developer at
Salem-Keizer Public Schools, and I have many interests.   
First I should explain the name of my page. I seem to have aquiered the nickname "Fluffy" (the three headed dog in  Harry Potter ) at work. I guess I tend to growl when I hit a programming problem. Anyway it seems to have stuck.

So on to my interests.
Some of which include: Flying kytes, fishing, board games, and reading.  
Speaking of board games some of my favorite games are:  
Board Games To Go
Settlers of Catan
Yahoo! Photos
Yahoo! Greetings
I tried my hand at creating a Roborally board using a board editor.
Name: David C. Pettit
Email: David_C_Pettit@yahoo.com

I am in a board game group that is starting to meet semi-regularly here is a report on one of our first sessions: Report 11 NOV 2005