If it's warm and sunny where you are, then you're definitely not at The University of Rochester.
But it's ok if you are, cuz if you don't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes, and it'll change.

Links About Life At College

Here's some insight into my life at college. Easily the best four years of anybody's life. That's probably why I nearly made it five years. Right... That's why.
- My freshmen year, our quaint little hall reached the absolute pinnacle of its existence. Following that year, it would never again be 'just another dorm'. In honor of that, we made the You know you live on Gilbert 3 East when... list.
- We here at the university are all very clever and insightful. Don't believe me? Here are things we've actually said!
- Ok, so I'm sure you've heard about D-Day. Check out some of the pictures from freshmen year!
- Do you ever feel like your the main exhibit in a zoo because of those damn tourguides? Here's a tasty little recipe for revenge.
- Some people call it a fraternity. I call it a black hole. Either way, it's Delta Upsilon!
- My sophomoric ruminations on life at college. Yet another example of me believing I've seen it all.

Links U of R People Might Follow

The Official Guster Homepage
The Official Moxy Fruvous Homepage
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Thinking of taking a trip out to Rochester? Well forget the sunglasses, grab the down jacket, and check the weather before you head out.
Oh, here's my email.
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