Welcome to the Improved Keslynn's Page

Please excuse the mess as we are currently under a lot of construction to improve this previously unremarkable little page.

For now I have only links to offer while I revise.

The Wheel of Time

The Wheel of Time is an excellent fantsy series by Robert Jordan, and they come highly recommended by me and the few million other rabid fans. Here are a few pages dedicated to these great books:

  • Visit Tar Valon, my virtual city based on the books. Here you can become a character and interact with others. We're definitely a growing community.

  • Pages of Prophecy is a great WoT Bulletin Board. Come here to look at other people's theories and post a few of your own.
  • The Netland White Tower is a fun place to go. There you can become a character and interact with some 300 other people.

Coming soon:

  • My recommended books list.  It will be mostly fantasy, but there will be some other in there too.
  • Keslynn Takes on the Classics:  my reviews of classic literature and why it should or should not be considered that.
  • My movie reviews.  It will be all old movies, and, right now, it's mostly Hitchcock flicks.  I'll work on variety later.
  • Perhaps a story or two.

That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed your visit and that you will stop back soon to see my new projects. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, feel free to

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