The Testement of the Damned

A long time ago inside the walls of Providence a second man was created in god's image and god named him Tower for it was said that the second son would be a strong force in religion. god showed him all that was sacred and because of this Tower was pure of both heart and soul, but then one day Tower was walking through Eden and happened upon god masturbating behind the forbidden tree. Tower realized why god told him to not eat from the tree it was not because it was a cursed tree it was just so that he would not notice god hidden behind it, he grew disgusted by the sickening body of god, face full of sweat as he pumped on his membrane again and again.

And so Tower left Providence and god to find his own path. Teary eyed he almost failed to see the snake perched on a tree just outside the gates. The snake slithered down to the ground and said "This god you worshipped is my father as he is yours, let us go out into the world together. Let us worship each other, let us give into the pleasures that this god would not allow us." And so Tower agreed and picked up the snake and carried him out into the world to make their own religion, a religion of freedoms, of dark power and dark thoughts.

Now over thousands perhaps even millions of years the snake has grown great in power. This once pitiful snake has become strong enough to contend with his father. And so they both go about the world recruiting people for their armies, for the final conflict between good and evil, between heaven and Hell. Those taken into the church of god are called priests, nuns and christians, those taken into the temple of the snake are simply called the Damned.

We are the descendants of the Damned, the ones deemed unpure by the christian faith, and unfit for normal society by their church's standards. Here lies the heart of evil, the hearts of mortals...

This is the Grotto of sorrow

This is Grotto of tomorrow

This is my Grotto in my town

This Grotto makes me frown

This Grotto is my damnation

This Grotto is my salvation


This is where the pain mixs with the pleasure

This is where you die at someone elses leisure

This is where the Devil lives directly underground

This is where his minions can be found

This is where souls are crushed

And their bodies turned to dust...


Welcome friends and enemies

Welcome to love and hate

Now your just another piece of meat

Struggling to survive

In the Grotto of the Damned

Back to the Damned

If you would like to become a member of the Damned please email me at for further details...this may result in a change of your site's name to fit in with the genre. So please think one up before emailing me, you must also have a link back to here on your main page (use one of the banners found in the Links section), this ain't no don't expect any pwd's, etc. I'll check out your site and email you whether or not I think you'll fit in well.