This poem was gifted to me from someone from ICQ. A very intelligent individual who had a unique view on the Events that have happened in recent times. Thank you Miles for your trust in sharing this and the conversation we had. May you be blessed in each day of your life.
Silhouette of winter tree in spring
Whose interlaced twigs
Are a thousand spider webs
Motionless as though frozen in time
Against grey seattle sky
Neighbor above flows green
Branches heavy with leaves
That are sails unto the wind
Dancing without fear or pride
As days grow long
- miles (1998)
The following three poems were written while visiting a dear friend of mine. Fixer has given me a place where my soul can fly free without the constraints of modern day inhibitions. The Lake I write about is in central Texas...Just a couple hours east of Dallas... Beautiful country for sure...I hope you enjoy the following three poems...Blessings.
Nature’s Dance Upon the Lake
Leaves dance in windswept spirals
Rustling music against the song of the chimes…
Dog barks to join in the happy song
Mother’s calming breath
Enveloping my soul.
Purple spots shine through from the brown earth…
Speckled field of Forgetlessness…
Luck of green club’s show through in gathered clumps
Saving sweet bidding for the Irish living here…
Rolling waves of her Majesty
Caressing Mother’s sweet breath…
Loons join the dance
Through gracious gliding motion
From their wet seat to
Finding current so high above the shimmering leaves…
Drops of Moisture cascade down upon my head
Laughter of sweet joy reveling as a child in
This magical wonderland of the lakefront.
Lazy day of blue’s and grey’s
Shining off the water’s edge…
View from a pier of windswept moisture
Home of the loon betold…
With Gallant voice above the squall
Caring your wisdom to awaiting ears…
Though undecipherable your voice is…
Story understood with an amazing glee…
Peaceful pasture of golden brown geldings
Alongside cud chewing bull’s with waiting smile’s…
That look so priceless as you gaze upon
This ridiculous human finding awe within you…
Your greeting a moo from deep within…
A bit of a shake and the tail wag back…
Good morning and nice meeting
I wish you well…
From a host of farm animals to wise to ever tell…
That from wind stung eyes of glee
A human as funny as she…
For she arrived with such gliding brilliance
In a cream coloured Chariot that made little noise…
Stopping with such force and giggling joy
The neighboring pony had to cease the afternoon feed..
To look upon this human of such a funny site…
With ever present curiosity sought
Her main rode the wind’s current from all different sides…
A clicking noise of something in her hand…
Coming to investigate she laughed even louder…
What must she find so funny?
Just as quickly as she had arrived..
A dashing departure did occur…
Looking across the fields waving as she went…
The afternoon spectacle spent.
Star Jumper
4/1/00 to 5/15/00
Though you were not but a wee fellow...
Your soul filled eyes brought brightness...
Into my life...
Your antics from an open door and accross the floor and back
Made my laughter fill our home...
Always the loving sort...
You are so very smart...
Please know you shall be missed...
Though I know now that you are where you are supposed to be...
Doing what your name states...
Jumping from the stars...
Thank you for being such a wonderful companion Glider...
All My Love
Normality Returned
As the morning dawned...
I felt your warmth ...
Cocooning me against the outside world...
Together in sleep...
As with sheltered Spirits
We found laughter in the darkness...
Days filled with light...
Smiles radiant from with in...
Intertwined within your energy...
Love of Friendship...
Adoration of our Union...
I look forward to our dance...
Throughout days to come...
Future unwritten...
Commonality as the Norm
Reveals itself.
Written by Oriiah
An awakening to dawn mist on the water,
flowing Spirit's streams to God's alter,
purifying essence whistles through the trees,
images of the sacred blowing in the breeze.
Flights of fancy from birds up high,
feathers of many colors filtering through the sky,
sun, moon and stars envelops Earth's dome,
we're all birds of a feather, finding our way home.
Spectacle of mesmerizing movements flashing in the mind,
melting pots of humans, secrets hard to find,
love all embracing whispers on the wind,
no physical presence, ecstasy from a light dimmed.
Gifts of joy enmeshed in music and dance,
visualizing images filtering in a trance,
warriors in a drumbeat at journeys end,
back to the womb of creation enmeshed in a substance blend.
Wondrous dreams in the stillness of the dark,
journey on uplifting voyages in paradise park,
thunder and lightening points the way,
a prelude to the land where Soul's play.
Written By Michael Levy
Long Distance Dream
As the dawn of the morning arrives'
The memory of our souls
Dancing in unison under the cobalt sky
Through midnight hours
Waves of passion and love
Ebb and Flow as our Mother does...
Finding the wonder
Within Each other
Seeing the reflections
Returned from the pools of our essence.
Magic awakens....
The inner glory
Bound together through time...
For once again
We have found
Our Lives Entertwined.
Willows whisper in the wind
Telling tales to cats
Talking to the toads
And singing to the fishes
Telling tales of love and wonder
Telling stories about a loving woman
Telling tales of loving man
Words of Love and Family
Moments of truth
Silence echos through the water
Reeds dance to the tunes in their hearts
Love's magical words
Love's desire
Love's voice...
Enters my thoughts...
Written By Spirit Time
Through endless wanderings...
Upon the morn...
Quiet twilight hours...
I seek that for which elludes me...
Looking to the past
I gaze in wide amazement
Lessons learned of late...
I did not mean to leave...
For the choice was not mine.
I stayed though you could not see me...
The torment for which I saw...
In gentle guiding motions
I sat at your side...
The gentle breeze on your cheek
Were my kisses from beyond...
Though you felt a presence...
Grief kept you from finding
All the love I had left for you.
Walking through time
Your presence stayed with me.
Through changes of the Aeons
Light unto morn
We have met once again
Energies fortelling
what we left behind.
Tis with time that answers
Sought shall be found.
Patience and trust fulfill the questioning glance...
Through shaking proceedings
We shall find...
That for which we know of
In another time.
Ageless Relations
Along streams of lifetimes…
Essence so near…
Light of one’s being …
Encountering you here.
I’ve searched the ages,
Moment by moment,
To find where you might have gone to.
Surprising Events unfolding
For unknowing was our best hiding place.
Growth within dimensions
Answers finally sought.
Lessons on the horizon…
Experiences from the past
Have impeded our time here…
As if time had simply paused
Until I found you here.
You open so many doors,
Creating so many more questions.
Though together our answers shall we find.
Standing beside you during this search.
For what we have are the unconditional emotions,
Forgiveness, openness, respect, honesty, trust.
The connection through the ages…
Written by Oriiah
Ancient sounds
Of a wolf cry
Beating drums
Fill my thoughts
Awakening the sleeping
Warrior hidden within
Voices of Ancestors
Come on the wind
From resting places
Scattered throughout the hills
Wisdom of the ages
Dance through my mind
Nearly incomprehensible
By my sleepy brain
I feel the rhythm
Pounding in my blood
My heart cries
As my spirit is set free!!
Christmas Day, 1998
A cold wind rushes past
Speaking of a time to be renewed
Speaking of a new life born unto the heart
A voice heard throughout ages
A voice head not before in this Lifetime
Trumpets echo in the mind
Ringing forth the wind’s power
A quiet moment
A loving soul
A caring whisper
Hands reaching across space and time
Touching heart and soul
A smile drifts from the clouded mind
And peace rushes forth onto this new day
Quiet serenity of a breeze
Of a wave rippling ashore
Moments of laughter enter the quieted soul
Thanking the Angel that entered that heart
She knows of the magic she holds within
She knows of the moments shared
She knows of the moments to come
She knows of the love yet within
Hidden for the moment
For Time to Share…
Written By Spirit Time
As the winds whip
Across my ever changing soul
I hear the whispers of the passing
Voices from beyond.
As if in restless seeking
Of one’s own reality
Relying on the energy of the earthbound
I learn of the future
Listening with open senses.
One does not only hear with ones ears.
My child open and awaken
One should know what is before you.
Search through the haze for truth
It awaits you on the other side of morning.
My soul rides the crescent wind of morning
Over the canyon walls.
My voice reverberates off the granite
Sounding back to my eagle ears.
I ask mother earth for her guidance
For the ever changing wisdom of the guardian
With upswept voice of reason
Gifted only to those on high
I strain to hear the chords of your
Ever present song of the ages.
I hear the brook over the rocks in the valley of the stone.
Ever wandering winds of change balancing
Responsibility for the grace of the earth.
Mother Oh Mother
I call on you tell me where to seek the vision
Strength matched only by your love.
Curled up within
The warm embrace
Friendships sweet enticement
As the flakes of snow
Drift past my window
Landing within the bed of white
Crystalline Light
Shimmering reflections from all directions
Reflecting the facets of
Blessings brought forth.
Christmas Day 1998
Head Looking West
Wind whispers from the East
Tis time to travel Time
Head looking West
Heart turns towards the East
Seeing in the distance Love embodied
Love of Mind, Soul and Body
Tis a thought that brought the two together
And a thought that holds them
The gentle grasp of a moment shared
Silence in the heart of one
As the two joined in union
What had been turmoil, now rests
What had been chaos, now order
What had been thoughts of travel
Turn to thoughts of going home
Tears fall for he knows his love awaits
Written By Spirit Time
Oh Mountains
That sing sweet love
Ringing within my ears
Filling my heart with joy
Oh Mountains
Snow capped peaks
That bring me back
To my fathers home
Ancient memories
Tucked within the folds
Left undesturbed
Till time would reveal
Images fill my mind
Wisdom has opened my heart
I have found where I belong
Christmas Day, 1998
The mind doth wander on this day
For a messenger came to me in the night
Time has spoken
Yet Time again
Words for not used have yet to come forth
Walk to the willows
Walk to the sands
Wade in the waters
Of the ocean and of the mind
Tides travel far
But time matters neigh
Walk to the willows
Walk to the sands
Walk with one in thy heart
Walk with Love throughout Time
Written by Spirit Time
I feel her peace and tranquillity
Cloak my very being
Brought forth from sheer energy
Raised from the core.
Silently I know she watches
Over me during my transition
The mother watching her young
Growing rapidly through unknown stages.
As if she knows
All trials yet faced.
Sending strength and Beauty
Lending her grace.
I walk through her fields
Of tulips sweet fragrance
Feeling her swish
Along my ever wandering feet.
I have traveled her roads
Of asphalt and grit
Feeling her surface
Reflect Back on me...
Lead me Mother Earth
To that of my destination
Protect me and guide me
Through all Lessons of Late.
Teach me the Wonders of Fate.
The children play
Among lilies and laughter
Only fairies and pretend
Can penetrate their kingdom.
One wish to attain
That for which we
Left behind locked tight
Inside an imaginary castle.
Kings, Queens, Princes and Princess
All alight with garments of fine
Serve as their enchanted thoughts
And keep close the playful creativity.
Innocence, lost not
To a time for horse races and tea
For make believe and imagery
We left so far behind.
Only the search to recapture
That feeling of innocence and play
To recapture our frivolity
To renew our youth.
(A Poem For Running Flower)
Written By Joshua Morgan
If I had but one wish...
I'd make your dreams come true.
If I had but one wish...
I'd make me be like you.
I am but a little man
Imperfect where and when I stand.
I turn my face into the wind
My heart held tightly in my hand.
A little man who stands so tall
A giants roar each time I fall.
It's not the things I ask of you
Nor all the words that go askew.
It's just the truth within my heart
And the efforts that are just for you.
Tho' I seem so strong and big
It's my own hole that I dig.
My hands and heart are but a gift
Wrapped best I can and sent adrift.
When my ways seem tough and unrelenting
It's just my way to best the making.
Different from what you know
It's how I make my garden grow
So, please hear my honest pleaa
It's not more for thee than for me.
I know our ways are not the same
And our words cannot explain.
But when I say just who I am
It's not your person that I damn.
In all the strife and hurt we see
Don't let the cut of it be me.
For I will do all that I can
To Let you see this honest man.
I will not stay for flesh delight
I seek to do whatever's right.
So hear this little man who cries
I want your heart so truly rise.
Your soul and smile are big to me
It's out of love I beg you see.
For if you leave because of me
Dont hurt us both, just let it be.
If I had but one wish...
I'd make your dreams come true.
If I had but one wish...
I'd make me be like you
Having been all things
To one another
Friend, Lover, brother
Teacher, Student, Roommate
Finally Best Friend.
Having been many things
To one another
Coworker, Friend, Sister,
Confidant, Admirer, and
Finally Best Friend.
He says,
we have shared too many things
I know we would never be happy
But for simple friends.
Go to her.
She says,
We have shared too many things.
I have found him.
We will always be friends.
He wants to get married.
Shattered shards of different worlds
Mixing in the present.
Not fully emotionally involved in either.
Too fully involved in both.
A Baby?
A Friend?
Independent Silence?
One must reevaluate the lifestyle handed down
Through Gene hereditary lines.
Why must I wonder?
Walking on the line?
Seeking loneliness?
No, seeking the ultimate mixture
Friendship, soul mate, twin flame.
Lost, Searching….
Finding only what is needed from within oneself.
Anonymous Powwow Friend
Love Light and Peace to all who have entered here.
© 1997 oriiah@aol.com