Kate you were my first real friend in Houston... I know we've lost touch. It's been a few years since i've been in Houston but my memories and my daughters memories are enchanted. I miss you my friend. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet again!
Leigh - My dear friend... We shared so much in Houston! After all you were there when our blessing Kyli was born... Thank you for that, I will never forget... But I do miss you greatly and if for some reason you ever see this please be in touch. It is good you are home again in NC!
Lynn - Part of my Vegas family... Dear sister... You are a remarkable creature... Even though you don't know you are part of all this... included in with the same group that falls under your favorite title "Spooky girls!" *laughing* I know we are not in touch much these days with lives that seem so wrapped but know we are always connected in some semblance of order through Spirit and our many energetic adventures!
My three best friends and *sisters*
Stacie A, My oldest of soul sisters ( and not that is not a cut at your age this lifetime sweetie..*wink*) You have taught me so much in the way you react with others and the way you are able to go within to find the answers... Your leadership qualities along with your Spirit of "keeping the light" is something I admire about you. I am truly blessed.
Joan, what can I say about a pixie who came to live in my enchanted kingdom and showed me that each living organism in nature has it's own sparkling energy... one must only listen and observe... Thank you for "playing" with me and the wonderful gifts that abound all around us... *grin*
My Niece Becca who with her Pixish curly dark hair and mischevious looks holds the beauty of Snow white combined with the intelligence of Maya Angelou and the independence and fierce bravery of Joan of Arc...
Mish... I am blessed that you are back in the fold of my friendship circle too...thank you dear for coming home... I love you and missed you greatly.
And finally to the most important group of people in my life. I wish to thank my family for being loving and supportive throughout our daily grind and through both the joys and tragedies in life. I know the last couple years have been doozies.
My three girls... What can I say. You all make me proud. Thank you for sharing the volleyball games and the teaparties, and all the fun times inbetween. I can't believe that in a couple short years two of you will be off to college.
Howard... My husband and life partner, you have stood by me through dizzying experiences and tragic ones. Thank you for being my rock, My hero, and my partner. You are a fantastic father and an amazing husband. Without your love and support my life would not be the same. I love you.
Thank you everyone else who I have not mentioned for listening and helping me through lifes most adorable challenges and blessings....
Love light and peace
If you are looking for a site that is safe for your children to play games on, take a look at marapets. They go the distance in keeping children safe. My daughters and I LOVE playing on this site!
© 1997 oriiah@aol.com
Tyler Stone's Home Page
Tyler Stone is by far one of today's finest poets...He places such wonderful vision and passion to the portions of society that many of us would rather overlook... A refreshingly deep site... Tyler is most certainly a deep thinking philosopher with a hard poetic edge...Not to mention a blessing of a friend... A good site for contemplation...
Darkrummies Home Page
SlowHand's Home Page
KnightLore's Page
Raptor's Page
Just an additional note to those of you who assist me in my real life...I appreciate each and every one of you.
Stacie E, You are by far one of the most gifted folk artists I have ever met... or had the pleasure of viewing their artwork.
And to the wonderful Group of Light workers that I am amazed to be involved with. Thank you for all the learning, sharing and ongoing support through this journey we call life.