Oriiah's Sanctuary Crystal Guide

Welcome to my Crystal Guide Page. Please find below a listing of many crystals and their healing properties. Crystals and stones are not only beautiful gifts from Mother Earth... They also can assist in making your environment harmonious, assisting with illness... and cleansing your energy fields along with many other uses. It is my goal to continually add new ways to use Crystal's in the healing process and to show how to incorporate their use into your everyday life.

The following Listing will give the name of the crystal or stone, a description for it's properties and what Chakra (Energy Center) it is associated with.


Amethyst - This stone is often popular in jewelry due to it's clear purple radiant color. The shades of purple vary due to location of origin. Quantities of Amethyst have been found in East Africa, Canada, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Uraguay and small deposits in the United States. It purifies and assists in regeneration on all levels of consciousness. It assists in the raising of your vibrations to a higher level. Amethyst is excellent for people who are attempting to Meditate for the first time. This crystal is used also as a soothing stone for those who have trouble concentrating or sleeping due to a busy mind. It is a healing crystal that aides in strengthening the immune and circulatory systems. It helps in the transmission of neural signals therefore allowing you to feel more grounded. It assists in balancing your emotional being. It also increases your memory and motivational. Amethyst is used in conjunction with the third eye chakra promoting clarification of intuition.

Aquamarine - Works to strengthen the kidneys and liver. promotes mental/emotional balance and has a calming effect. Inspires peace, abundance, creativity. Promotes communication and self expression while providing clarity.

Aventurine - Aventurine comes in many different colors. Some colors include variations of Green, Red, Blue, and Brown. The Green is the most commonly used and recognized. This stone can be carried around or worn in jewelry adorning any portion of the body. This stone is also as with the Amethyst used in calming and soothing the nervous system. It is also used in transmuting negative energy into a more postive higher vibrational form. Aventurine is used to clear your etheric, emotional and mental self. It assists in clearing fear, anxiety and negativity, while promoting a more positive and independent outlook overall. Aventurine is used in conjunction with the heart chakra.

Citrine - Citrine comes in shades of yellowish brown clear crystals. It is used to promote creativity, laughter and hope. This stone is one of the abundance stones. It also acts as a detoxifier for physical, mental and emotional self. Due to it's detoxifing nature it works well with kidneys, colon, liver, digestive organs, gallbladder and the heart. This stone enhances the bodies healing energy. Citrine works in conjunction with the navel and crown chakras.

Diamond - Purifies and vitalizes the mind, while enhancing brain functions. Diamond's get rid of negativity, while promoting will-power, faithfulness, innocence and prosperity. Master healer stone. Assists wtih the alignment of the higher self.

Emerald - Promotes deep spiritual insight, Prosperity, love, tranquility, and emotional balance. Enhances meditation and dreaming. Physically good for strengthening the immune system, liver and heart.

Fluorite - This stone grounds excessive energy. Assists in facilitating interdimensional communication. Promotes concentration and increases the ability for the mind to focus.

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