Oriiah's Sanctuary

This is my humble abode adrift the endless sea of pages on the web... This is an introduction into the surroundings I hold so dear and a view of my inner most thoughts...

Our Magic is our give away,
Our Magic is our song.
So give away your love today,
And sing the whole day long!
~Native American Chant~

A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener. So our prospects brighten on the influx of better thoughts... We should be blessed if we lived in the present always, and took advantage of every accident that befell us, like the grass which confesses the influence of the slightest dew that falls on it; and did not spend our time in atoning for the neglect of past opportunities, which we call doing our duty. We loiter in winter while it is already spring.
~Henry David Thoreau(1817-1862)~

Welcome to my home page. This is a little bit about myself and the links have things I wish to share with the world or people that I wish to share with the world...

Through contemplation and wonder, I struggle to walk the path to seek the light to hear the wisdom brought forth from Spirit.

Information on myself

I am 36 years of age currently living in North Carolina I'm enjoying being a mother to our Three girls and a wife to my wonderful husband Howard. We have two dogs that are just as mischevious as our four year old daughter. Due to recent events in the news I have taken the photo's page link down. If you'd like updated photos of the family and you are a friend or family member please contact me and I'll email you the link. Many blessings to all for taking time to look at my corner of the world.

As for my roots, I grew up in and around the San Fransisco Bay Area. We moved shortly after I was married to North Carolina back in 1993, then Feb. 2001 I moved to Houston. As Spirit would have it... I moved "home" to North Carolina again in March of 2003. Having been divorced previously and now remarried for a few months.... life has proven to be a constant and continuous lesson and adventure. With every turn new friends and new life ideas. I have been online for several years. I love to discover new ways of doing all things. I love to hear about new ideas and share different points of view.

For my full time work I am a Telecommunications Technician. However first and foremost I am a certified Reiki Master energy practitioner. You should find a link to a site listed below (Sacred Union) that will explain a little more with regards to Reiki and it's ability to heal. At the present stage of development upon our planet there are so many entities that are in need of positive healing energy ... Including but not limited to our children and Mother Earth. Our children that are being born present day have many challenges in front of them... However they also have been blessed with many gifts in which to continue the healing process... It is our responsibility to embrace those gifts and nurture them to their fullest potential. Mother Earth on the other hand has had many challenges during the aeons that human life has been present. It is our time to give back and teach others the respect and loving ways of caring for her, for she has provided our home for all the ages that have come previously. We have a responsibility to give back to her what she has blessed us with. I believe the key to changing the world is through understanding it's inhabitants, embracing life and beginning the healing process within your own sphere of existance. For if you can change just your small portion of the world...then maybe someone with whom you came in contact with may lighten their perspective and therefore change the energy around them thus creating a domino effect...

The time for our awakening and remembrance is upon us... For we have the tools within to go forth and complete our destiny... We must only remember to follow our bliss and guidance from the spirit within to accomplish this... For God/dess resides in each of us... and has blessed us with life that is lived in cycles... Therefore showing us how to understand it through more indepth study of those cycles.

I try to live by the Reiki Principles as follows:

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today I will not worry.

Just for today I will not be angry.

Just for today I will do my work honestly and with integrity.

Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.

Just for today I will not place judgement upon the actions of others.

I have posted some of my poetry as well as several works I consider blessings from several of my very close and dear friends. If you would like to submit something to be placed on the poetry page, please email me and I will attempt to include it here.

Please take some time to check out the links below. They are all wonderful pages.

Love Light and Peace to all who have entered here.

Please take some time to view my "Friends" page... If you have a web page and would like it included here please email me your page addy and I will put it in with my new link... I have also included some very special friends and messages to each... These are real life inspirational individuals who have blessed me with their presence in my recent past and not so recent past....

~*The Spirit Web*~
Press the above picture to visit an all encompassing site with information on various Spiritual, Metaphysical and Enlightenment subjects including but not limited Astrology, Yoga, Spirituality, Healing, Crystals, Channeling and many more subjects.


~*Angel Art By Eve*~
Please click the above button to view a very talented artist who specializes in the beautiful images of our beloved Angels

Artwork for this page done by Artist Meilin Wong. Please click the link above for Fantasy Graphics and follow the links to Angels and Fairies. You will find several collections done by Meilin. All equally beautiful in their own special way! Fantasy Graphics is a wonderful site for all sorts of artistic collections for your pages. Several are free for personal use on non profit sites or personal internet pages. They also offer internet hosting and other business related internet assistance.

Oriiah's Sanctuary Crystal Guide

Innerself web magazine

Sacred Union
Poetry Page

Friends Links

Quotes for Contemplation

If you are looking for a great and child safe game to play online for you or you and your children please check out the button below for marapets... My girls and I love it!!!

Virtual Pets | Games

Thank you for visiting my Sanctuary... Please remember to sign the guestbook below. Should you have ideas on other information that you would like to see here please contact me through the email link below.
Love Light Life Laughter and Peace.
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© 1997 - 2006 oriiah@aol.com

~*This page last updated 10/09/2006. Blessings of Love Light Life Laughter and Peace to one and all!!!!!*~

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