

I have a proposal for you.

I made a web-page containing true mystical and spiritual stories, as experienced by myself and some of my friends. Purpose of this page is to link people with similar experiences, and to open space for all internet users to read not just any fantasy, but the REAL TRUTH. Since the truth is of greatest importance for people in this world, I decided to open a new (or old if you prefer) battlefield. I hope people will cooperate, because "its time for the Truth to be known".

Since I hope the truth is something you seek too, let's exchange links.

Yes I am doing this to increase trafic on my page. And yes, I want to promote my page this way. But, still, that page is not made for me, and I am NOT selling anything. I am not forming any kind of "new religion", or selling any "new philosophy". My only interest is to open this page for everyone who wants to hear the truth.

***this page will be regularly updated, and it's growing every day*** If you accept this proposal (link exchange) please send me a mail with graphics or any other stuff you find appropriate for representing your page on "Mildeye's home". If you already have it prepared, send me URL where I can download it. I will also send you some materials you can put on your page along with a link to "Mildeye's home". You can also find some graphics I have prepared. Simply choose the one and download it from the graphics page.


my home URL is: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/8399/

and my e-mail is: dankoxy@fly.cc.fer.hr

I wish you BEST of luck with your page, and in your life.