12/28/00 21:21:54
Name: Rocker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Predator
Favorite Movie Quote: danny boyyy

brill website, predator remains my favourite film star

12/27/00 13:11:39
Name: Mark My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: none
Favorite Movie Quote: those disgusting jokes that Jerry keeps on telling that cop female

kewl site. I love the in-depth details about the predators and all. It would be also kewl if you could do a character bio for the predator/predator2 movies....who they were, how they died...etc. Later!

12/14/00 20:51:22
Name: Lar'nix'va My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Thunder(Dacande's clan)
Favorite Movie Quote: "Now You Will Die"-the Yautja from Predator 2

Dtai'k-dte sa-de nav'g-kon dtain'aun bpide..........the fight begun would not end until the end

12/12/00 17:14:26
Name: Xavier Gunner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Dachande's Clan (Broken Tusk)
Favorite Movie Quote: "Knock, knock" (Dutch)

I found an Alien FAQ too good to be true, but here is a Predator FAQ that matches and surpasses the alien FAQ! Great Stuff. Keep the ki'cti-pa moving into the kainde amedha...

11/18/00 17:45:10
Name: alexander emery My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: looking to join
Favorite Movie Quote: pred-rrrroooooaaaaaarrrrr(crashing through the wall)jerry-dont worry im a cop old grany-i don't think he gives a shit

fuck who would win pred or alen dumb shit pred could kick 100 alen asses my gama could kick an alen ass so dont be dis'in predator

11/04/00 08:12:54
Name: Sephiroth My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: none
Favorite Movie Quote: You know what i believe....shit happens.

KICK ASS site Email me some predator pics when you get some and you got some good pics.

10/20/00 12:10:17
Name: de My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: mei'hswei de[brotherdeath]
Favorite Movie Quote: over here! over here! pred copying the black geezerwhen hes sitting in the bush.

ne otherr sites with pred 3 nwes on it?email me if u know of ne please.by the way topnotch site, keep it up, try and get some pics on here so that peeps can set them as wallpaper.

10/20/00 12:03:11
Name: ooman! My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: de to the oomans!
Favorite Movie Quote: u can take your dick and shove it up my ass![harrigan in pred 2 to the chief constable]

what a wicked site, u should start putting ur own wallaper on this site, it wold geta lot more visitors,my fave film is pred 2, email me if there is ne more news on pred 3

10/18/00 21:44:10
My URL: Visit Me


10/05/00 23:53:39
Name: Dachande My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Topknot's Clan
Favorite Movie Quote: You're one ugly motherfucka.- Arnold

Kickass site

09/14/00 00:41:07
Name: Ave Lire My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Movie Quote: what are you going to try next, cheese?

Rockin' site! PREDATOR RULES!

08/18/00 04:21:38
Name: Perry
My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Movie Quote: When the Predator laughs after hitting self-destruct.

This site rocks! I'd like some downloadable pictures of the Predator. Keep up the good work!

08/16/00 17:23:51
Name: Steve My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: ESC_ elite species clan
Favorite Movie Quote: bunch of slack jawed fagets around here, this stuff will make you a god damned sexual tyranosorus, just like me!!! from predator

i realy like ur site. if anyone wants to join my avp multyplayer clan im the leader plz send me a telegram i am ESC_DACHANDE .

08/06/00 23:36:13
Name: Jesse My URL: Visit Me
Clan: Reform Party Favorite Movie Quote: "I ain't got time to bleed."

You might remember me. I was in the first film. I loved making it and hanging out with Arnold. My character was killed off right away, but hey, I still got to say those six words. Nice site keep it up.

07/27/00 17:04:15
Name: ki'cti-pa Yautja My Email: Email Me
Clan: Lone Huntertress Favorite Movie Quote: Dodge This!- trinity, the matrix

Damn good site! Great info and exelent pics. Happy huntin' Preds!

07/27/00 17:04:05
Name: ki'cti-pa Yautja My Email: Email Me
Clan: Lone Huntertress Favorite Movie Quote: Dodge This!- trinity, the matrix

Damn good site! Great info and exelent pics. Happy huntin' Preds!

06/26/00 20:48:03
Name: Shawn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Broken Tusk
Favorite Movie Quote: Mother Fucker


06/24/00 21:29:33
My URL: Visit Me


06/12/00 03:19:29
Favorite Movie Quote: "We meet again Obi-Wan. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master!"


04/08/00 19:55:34
Name: MR.PREDATOR My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: the hunters [leader]
Favorite Movie Quote: want some candy [predator 2]


04/03/00 08:04:16
Name: Matthew Van Zyderveld My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Movie Quote: "Billy you know something, what is it?" "I'm scared Poncho" "Bullshit, you aren't afraid of no man" "There's something out there waiting for us.... and it 'aint no man. We're all gonna die..."

Hey, hello from Australia. Great site. ANYTIME.... WANT SOME CANDY?........

03/12/00 00:03:16
Name: mr. risk My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: EC fuckin W
Favorite Movie Quote: damn you one ugly motherfucker


03/05/00 05:53:07
Name: Peņa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: FirstBloods
Favorite Movie Quote: "I ain't got time to bleed"

This, my friend, is probably the coolest Predator page Ive had the honor of encountering, sorry bout the bust Big D. Have a nice day & Happy Hunting!

02/21/00 20:16:18
Name: Mark Cook My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: N/A
Favorite Movie Quote: He kid.... Welcome to the war.

Damn good site! Favorites/Add to favorites I think!

02/11/00 04:18:15
Name: SisqoDragon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Forest Spirit Warior
Favorite Movie Quote: Wer're all gonna die.

Your site is one of the coolest I'v seen so far. I have a bone to pick. One of you Predator fans posted on this site that the word Yautja means "student". This dsn't make any sense. In AvP "Hunter's Planet", on pg 13 it talks about the ship of the Yautja escending out of the clouds and on to a planet. Then in a second paragraph, it says " The yautja were hunters who traveled from world to world, proving them selveswith the skill of their s." I rest my case! Peace out!

02/11/00 04:09:43
Name: SisqoDragon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Forest Night Spirits of the Warrior order
Favorite Movie Quote: Wer're all gonna die

You have a realy cool sight. Your information is very GOOD and very ACCURATE. To who ever posted in the trophy room that Yautja means 'student' then why, may I aask then, in the AvP novle "Hunter's Planet", does it refer to a ship decending out of the clouds as a ship of the Yautja. Certenly it would mean that the ship belongs to a form of species an not students. P13 AvP-Hunter's Planet

02/04/00 23:12:49
Name: Predator III
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


01/27/00 15:46:24
Name: geck0 My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: none
Favorite Movie Quote: this is it, game over man! game over!

I really love this page its the best ive seen so far, and by the way if anyone has any information about predator3 please e-mail me =)

01/17/00 22:39:08
Name: Sai'Kon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Hai'gu'an Yutan'jes ( Stealth Hunters )
Favorite Movie Quote: Harrigan: You One Ugly... Mother.. Predator: *roar/ screech* Mother Fucker!!!

Yo, Nice Site, One Of The Best I Have Seen. If You Ever Need Pictures, Ask Me, I Have Plenty. I'm The Leader Of The Hai'gu'an Yutan'jes. Well, Ach'Des.

01/07/00 04:29:44
Name: Yautja Blade My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: YTL (Yautja Thei-de Legion) (Predator Death Legion)
Favorite Movie Quote: Hey kid........Welcome to the war.

Plz go to my clans website it rocks ass GO TO IT NOW!!!!!!!!

01/06/00 21:44:06
Name: BigB My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: None

A very good page indeed.

01/06/00 21:10:13
My URL: Visit Me


12/27/99 23:12:14
Name: Bestial My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Non yet
Favorite Movie Quote: "Lets dance!"

This page kicks some serius ass. Would love to see Pred 3. Iv'e heard it would be a Aliens versus the Predator movie, but it's a rumor. Keep up the hunting.

12/22/99 05:47:16
Name: Sky "Cetanu" Cunningham My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Movie Quote: Sh'it 'Appens (Predator 2)

Hey, I love the movies and the species. Just one question and you can reply via e-mail if you want. How do you pronounce the word "yautja"?

10/30/99 17:07:02
Name: Dachande My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Night Blood
Favorite Movie Quote: Jerry-"Come on mother f*cker!" Predator-"Want some candy?" Jerry-"Let's dance!"

This is definately one of the best sites on the web.I reply to all those people who want a Pred outfit,I'll be putting up info on how to make one on my site soon!

10/29/99 01:10:27
Name: michael terry My URL: Visit Me
Clan: I don't know Favorite Movie Quote: beep beep beep beep I love you

i have gone mental!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/05/99 04:39:53
Name: renagade My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Movie Quote: mother fucker


10/05/99 04:39:40
Name: renagade My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Movie Quote: mother fucker


09/30/99 23:54:36
My URL: Visit Me


09/30/99 08:34:48
Name: Alex C and Dan R My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: [JPF]
Favorite Movie Quote: "want some candy?"

A very good site with lots of info, which can only be good. ALL Predator and Alien movies kick ass!!!!!!! Any man who thinks otherwise will feel the back of my hand (complete with wristblades!) Any more info on Predator 3?

09/23/99 00:48:26
Name: Thwei-G'kuan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Thwei
Favorite Movie Quote: "Herb wake up!- Theres somebody in the bathroom!"- Old Granny, Predator 2

Well done. Is there any more info on predator3?

09/06/99 16:12:32
Name: Sai'Kon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Hai'gu'an Yutan'jes - (Stealth Hunters)
Favorite Movie Quote: What ---The ---Hell-- Or-- You-- Predator 2

Man This Is The Best Predator Information Site I've Ever Seen. Keep Up The Good Work. - Predator_Sai'Kon

09/06/99 16:10:50
Name: Sai'Kon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Hai'gu'an Yutan'jes - (Stealth


08/15/99 05:49:20
Name: nrull My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: none
Favorite Movie Quote: if it bleeds we can kill it

your site kicks ass, i plan to have a pred site up soon enough, i've heard several ideas that might be the storyline of the pred 3 movie. 1. takes place underwater 2. arnold and glover return as there characters and are ubducted then forced to fight hand-to-hand for there lives 3. a group of colonists stumble into a pred burial ground and then they raid it and desacrate ti etc etc. wich royaly pisses off the preds who come for vengance. 4. (this more of a hopeful) an alien versus predator movie toned down enough that the ratings people feel its not to "graphic". if the japanise could stand it so could we. well see ya

07/25/99 05:34:18
Name: GaviN My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Aint got no clan.
Favorite Movie Quote: *arnold grunt* Get to da choppahhh!!!

Arnold rocks...Predator rocks...Aliens can kiss my ass...I hope i see lots die in the upcoming movie..if it comes out. (it better or someone dies.)

07/16/99 21:52:03
Name: Ghost My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: none at the moment
Favorite Movie Quote: Anytime...

Awesome site, man!!This site rocks, oh yeah i would just like to congratulate cause me and my friends have woted your site "The best of the yuntja!"

05/22/99 03:04:32
Name: Co-Clan LeaderSha'Kra(AOL Predator-Big Hunt name) My URL: Visit Me
Clan: Kurubak(AOL,P:BH) Favorite Movie Quote: "What The Hell Are You?"

Nice site, I have used most the info on this site for my RPG clans Story Lines for our sims.

05/17/99 20:48:42
Name: Dak Shan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: I'm a Yautja biologist.
Favorite Movie Quote: "Over here.....Over here."

I am Dak Shan, and yes I can talk ooman language. I really like your site. Maybe I can teach you about the animals and plants in my planet.

05/16/99 06:17:34
Name: Mi'kal Munos My Email: Email Me
Clan: Renegade outcast Favorite Movie Quote: "So much for little green men..."

Awesome webpage! The Predators kick major HARD ass! If there happens to be a Predator 3...well I'll be hyperventilating. Mi'kal Munos PS-I'll give anything(except my soul) for a Predator outfit!!

05/10/99 20:21:56
Name: paladin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Movie Quote: "I hate birds"

I'm sorry to corect you but the word Yautja means students.... mabey you should study harder

01/27/99 02:02:57
Name: Ka'jah'nu My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: ka'quan
Favorite Movie Quote: -The sound that the Predator makes_

I have learned alot about hunting my friends down in a wooded area from the 'Predator' movies. I know that sounds weard, but it works. I use it in paint ball, lazer tag, and when I give my friends 5 bucks for them to go out into heavy wooded areas so I ca hunt them down like the Predators do. I hide in trees, and i swing from tree to tree (i have good balence). And i never loose. And the movie... I want the costume like bad!

01/16/99 08:38:55
Name: Kaneda
My Email: Email Me
Favorite Movie Quote: "Hey! Over here! Yeah, that's right. Come and get it..." BAM BAM BAM -Jerry

Predator and Predator 2 both kick ass. Predator has to be my favorite movie of all-time. Your site kicks ass, and then some! I love it! Keep up the good work.

01/01/99 02:13:55
Name: James F. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: N/A
Favorite Movie Quote: "You're ghostin' us, mothafuka'!....I don't care who you are back in the world....You give our position one more time....I'll bleed you...real quiet...and leave ya here....GOT THAT?" -Mack

PREDATOR1 kicks serious ass....... I mean like BAM ass....like honestly seriously...... I watch it as a religion at least three times a week, although planned as once a day, at least. Well anyways, I plan to soon memorize the whole damn thing, but in the mean time I never get bored of watching it. I don't know why. ADIoS

12/27/98 22:50:59
My Email: Email Me
Favorite Movie Quote: What the hell are you(arnold)what the hell are you(thepredator)

Very cool site i hope you add lots of video clips to your site.Soon i will have my own predator web site also who do you think will win an alien or a unarmed predator email me please at america online.

12/04/98 14:11:45
Name: Matt Koesters My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: None, Warrior Caste
Favorite Movie Quote: "If it bleeds, we can kill it."

Very informative site. I'm impressed. I've been looking for a resource to integrate predators into the Shadowrun RPG, and i think i may just use your info as the standard for my conversion. Again, excellent job.

11/19/98 22:03:51
Name: Renegade My URL: Visit Me
Clan: Cracked Tusk Favorite Movie Quote: No seeing what can't be seen. No stoping what can't be stopped. No killing what can't be killed!

Hey this website rocks! I really enjoy it. But what about the weapon in the second movie that fired a net that goes through the skin?

10/24/98 22:07:46
Name: Sharp eye My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Yukcana Clan
Favorite Movie Quote: your one ugly mother fucker

This site rocks!!!!!!!!!!I totaly love everything about the predator.They card game rocks.

10/16/98 03:54:08
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

10/09/98 22:36:45
Name: Centau My URL: Visit Me
Clan: None, Warrior cast Favorite Movie Quote: Your one ugly Mother F**ker!

I really enjoyed your site and i hope you can get some new info when it becomes public. Till the next hunt Centau

09/04/98 23:28:30
Name: Megan "Predator" Jacobson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Clan: Degenerate Predators
Favorite Movie Quote: "There's something out there watin' for us...and it aint' no man!"

Hi! I just surfed on in and i'm very impressed at your pred faq! I Heard that Predator 3 will be on the predator home world, now that would be sooooo cool!!! Keep up the good work! See 'ya! Pred 4 Life!!

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 11:48:47
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

05/03/98 11:32:21
Name: Young Tusk My URL: Visit Me
Clan: Three Claw Hunters Favorite Movie Quote: You're one ugly mutherfucker!

Predators are on the hunt... don't run, you'll only die tired...

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