I.      Introduction
II.    Catalog of Movies
III.   Physiology
IV.   Sociology
V.   Equipment
VI.  Language
VII. Resources
VIII.Trophy Room
                Add a Trophy
IX. Essays

:( **##**F.Y.I.**##**

On June 22, 1998, the author was arrested and subsquently convicted for a series of bank robberies in the Houston area. This site will remain up as long as Geocities/Yahoo will allow, however, if someone wishes to take over maintenance of the Predator FAQ, Mr. Mauldin may be contacted at the following address: Douglas Mauldin, #79365-079 FCI-L, P.O.Box 26020, Beaumont, TX. 77720 .

The Predator is an alien species that was first introduced in the 1987 film Predator. To date, there have been two Predator movies with a third rumored to be in the works. As well as the movies, the Predator character has also been featured in numerous comic book titles by Dark Horse Comics, as well as a series of novels. It is from these sources that this FAQ is produced. With so many different creative artists working on this character, there are bound to be some contradictions in some information. Wherever possible, the movies will be used as the final judge.

II. Catalog of Movies

III. PHYSIOLOGY IV. Sociology V. Equipment
  VI. Language VII. Resources   1