The Rigel System

Astrographically, the Rigel star system resides just on the Coreward side of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, a belt of ionized hydrogen rich with large bright stars. With equal access to both sides of the Arm, the Rigel system resides almost exactly between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Coreward lies the Triangle (a triangular slice of territory, unclaimed by all 3 major powers), and beyond that, the Romulan Star Empire.

Acutally, the Rigel system comprises three stars. Rigel A is the primary star, while Rigel B and C orbit each other more than four parsecs from Rigel A. In a region locally poor in planets, Rigel has an embarassment of riches: 14 planets, more than half of them habitable; 12 orbiting Rigel A, 2 orbiting Rigel B and C. Archaeological evidence shows that hundreds of spacefaring races have visited Rigel for tens of thousands of years, and a few have claimed it; it is prime real estate in a commanding location. The Orions originated in the Rigel system, and for more than 5,000 years it has been under their exclusive control. Although Rigel is not the sole reason for their power, it shaped them and helped them to achieve all they have.