They're out there. They are our only protection. They are our only hope. They are the
Hi! I'm AniChinchilla, and this is my page. It's about Animorphs, as you've probably already noticed. For those of you who have no Idea what Animorphs are, they are 5 teens given the power to "morph" into any animal they touch by a dying alien. And to make it even more interesting, the reason the alien, Elfangor, gives them the power to morph is because Earth is secretly being taken over by aliens called "Yeerks". Intrigued? Read the Books!

Last Update: August 8thst 1998
Added Sample Chapter for #21 THE THREAT!
Updated news.

Here are the Menus. Use them to direct yourself around my site!

I got an interesting e-mail from the girl who told Jeff Sampson of Animorphiles that Marco's model's
name is Boris. She told me she called Scholastic and asked what the models names are and that she'd tell
me the name of one Animorph, who I can pick. I figured I'd pick Tobias, because he's the most populare
character, and my fav, Marco, I already know (Boris). So, Tobias' name is Christopher Ralph. Satisfied?
This just in! I got the casting list from Animorphiles, and The Christopher Ralph thing was true. And some of you didn't believe it.
#21 The threat is out! Check your bookstores for it any time know!
Next month's book is #22 The Solution. It is part three of the New Animorphs trilogy and looks pretty good. Here's some info--

David is Dangerous. Power Hungry. And he has nothing to lose.
That's why the Animorphs have to get rid of him. Now.
Animorphs #22
The Solution
KA Applegate.
Most of you already know that in September a Animorphs TV show will air on Nickolodean. But what
you probably don't know is that the show will be filmed in Toronto (1 hour from my house!) Ontario
Canada, and the show's star characters will mostly be played by people who where in the Goosebumps
TV show. And that is not a good thing. Ever notice how pathetic the acting in The Goosebumps TV
show is?
Newsflash! Okay, the Animorphs will be played by the cover models (which makes me think--'They can
model, but can they act?'), and get this--Marco's model is named Boris! Like of of Goldeneye! Yet
another Newsflash! Turns out that is not true. Their getting different actors for the show. But the Boris
part is true.

Okay, as some of you already know, I'm a member of Kitty G's Editorial team. So, using the menu below, you can read the Editorials the other writers and I wrote. Enjoy!

Here's some stuff that doesn't quite fit in with the stuff above--
Animorphs fans/Aliens/Rodents have been here since June 26th 1998!!!

***This site and all origanal images on it are copyright Quinn "AniChichilla" Cassady, 1998. "Animorphs" Is copyright Scholastic publishing Inc.