Top Ten Lists

This page is always under construction, so if you have any top ten lists you'd like to add, feel free to email them to me (Full accreditation will be given of you're the original author:)

Things You'll Never See Happen on Star Trek

10. Spock goes a whole episode without saying 'facinating'

9. Kirk doesn't get the girl

8. A Redshirt beams down to a planet and back up again, and doesn't get killed

7. Kirk meets a highly advanced, but insane, computer and doesn't outwit it

6. Uhura gets more than 3 lines

5. Nothing goes wrong with the ship

4. A namless ensign sitting at a console doesn't get blown up during a battle

3. Chekov doesn't say that the object of conversation was 'made in Russia'

2. Kirk's shirt stays unripped during a fight

1. McCoy says- 'He's alive and well Jim'



Things You'll Never See on Bonanza

10. Hoss gets the girl, and she isn't just using him

9. One of the Cartwrights gets shot and isn't better by the end of the episode

8. A girl turns down Little Joe

7. Ben marries someone and she doesn't die soon after having a child

6. One of the boys gets engaged to someone and they don't die or change their minds about the wedding

5. A female character lasts more than 3 episodes

4. Little Joe and Hoss get into a money making scheme that actually works

3. A gun (wielded by a good guy) that runs out of ammunition

2. One of the Cartwrights' horses is stolen, and it's not back by the next episode

1. The ceiling of the Ponderosa

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