(When a warrior goes into battle, he does not abandon his friends)
(That is not my dagger protruding from your midsection)
(Better to die on your feet than live on your knees)
(If winning is not important, why keep score?)
(Revenge is a dish which is best served cold)
(Always trust your instincts)
(Does it bite?)
(What the @#$! is happening?!)
(Surrender or die!)
(I wanted to capture prisoners!)
(Fire the thrusters!)
(Honour and success)
(Do you speak Klingon?)
(Where is the bathroom?)
(Trust, but locate the doors)
(Everyone encounters Tribbles occasionally)
(To find ale, go into a bar)
(What do you want?)
(It's not my fault)
(Go away!)
(What did you say?)
(I am not a Klingon)
(Where do you keep the chocolate?)
(I do not understand)
(What happened?)
(Death before shame)
(Complements to a worthy opponent)
(Have a nice day)
(Do I NEED to sleep on the floor?)
(Merry Christmas!)
(Am I supposed to eat this?)
(My targ ate my homework!)
(I am honoured to see you)
(The stars will talk before I will)
(may your dishes be always served alive)
(Take a hike. Please. Sir.)
(I communicate and I kill)
(Mate until your blood screams)
(Struggling only makes it hurt more)
(There's nothing happening here)
(You will be rembered with honour!)
(Live long and prosper)
(Your ship is a garbage scow!)
(That is unfortunate)
(Beam me aboard)
(If it`s in your way, knock it down)
(Honour is more important than life)
(May you die well)
(Klingons do not surrender)
(The memory of you sings in my blood)
(There is no honour in attacking the weak)
(When in doubt, surprise them)
(Virtue is the reward)
(There is always a chance)
(May your enemies run with fear)
(It is a good day to die)
(Conquer what you desire)
(Celebrate! Tomorrow we may die!)
(Nothing's happening)
(I have a headache)
(I wasn't there)
(You seem unhealthy)
(You are very ugly)
(Am I disturbing you?)
(You need a rest)
(Look at this)
(Set course for Veridian?)
(For he's (Worf) a jolly good fellow)
(Which nobody can deny)
(Today I am a warrior)
(I want to see the blood running through your veins)
(Take your stations!)
(Do not believe him! He is a liar!)
(I fear your judgement)
(I must show you my heart)
(Mother, I honor you)
(Can you be a victor of the heart as well as the sword?)
(May your enemies run in fear)
(The bile of the vanquished flows over my hands)
(Would you kill me too)
(I travel the river of blood)
(The battle is mine. I crave only the blood of the enemy)
(I claim the honor)
(You have wounded me)
(The day is not yet over)
(I smell the burning of your blood)
(If you don't like it, don't eat it!)
(You call this live?)
(Face me if you dare)
(The fire is your doing)
(That's great news!)
(Your mother has a smooth forehead!)
(Happy birthday)
(Open the door!)
(Don't be silly)
(The engine is overheating)
(What time is it?)
(Will you sin?)
(The truth shall conquer)
(There are always weapons)
© 2000 dipoledipole@hotmail.com