Karakarawa Island
BEWARE island still under exploration
You are the
person to wander around the island.
Updated 27 September 1998
Hi! You'll notice some major changes going on around here over the next few months. Basically I've decided to do away with all the graphics, except for just a few small ones, because they are just too much hassle. I have finally started my fanfiction archive, which features my first fanfic based on the Tomorrow People. I have also removed a few things from this page that I wasn't happy with or just wasn't getting time to complete.
Aqua child floats awhile buoyant rest in WEIGHTLESSNESS a freedom felt underwater.
Poseidon's daughter is a dolphin girl in a liquid world, somersaults, nothing's her fault.
Hello! Welcome to Karakarawa Island! You've surfed onto the shore of my personal island in this big ocean we call the internet. You're quite welcome to explore my island but please keep to the paths. At various places around the island you'll be able to find information on some of my favourite things, there's also opportunities to visit some other islands. So have fun (and don't forget your hat and sunscreen!)
Guide to Karakarawa Island
Visit some other Islands
- Tapahini - Tomorrow People (90's version)
- Neri's Island - Ocean Girl
Favourite Bookmarks on the Island
- Lonely Planet - In my opinion the best travel site on the net. Essential reading for the budget and adventure traveller.
- TripleJ - Australia's top alternative music FM radio station. Check out the results of the Hottest 100, the biggest music poll in the world. Results for 1997 are out now!
- Fan Fiction On The Net - The definitive list of fanfiction. There's links to fanfics on hundreds of tv shows, anime, cartoons and even novels.
- Tomorrow People Creative List Archive - Fanfiction on both the original series and the 90's version.
- Michele Sedai's Door To Science Fiction - Award winning site featuring Tomorrow People and Highlander fanfiction, as well as an informative page on Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series.
- gOod nEwS weEk - Undoubtedly the best show on Australian TV at the moment.
- Marine Mammals - Links to heaps of dolphin and whale pages.
© 1997 sueriseley@hotmail.com
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