We're Low In Quality Radio
Internet broadcaster features a wide variety of tunes.

Jimmy Hix liked to play a lot of rockabilly and hillbilly music
from the 1940's through the 1960's.
Unfortunately his half?-brother Melville Grunion killed him. Now...
Mr. Ducktail has replaced Jimmy and plays
Gems from Billy Barrix and Elvis, Country Boy Eddie and Jimmy Patton
"Don" likes his instrumental music a lot too!
If surfy twangy LOUD screechy guitar rockers are what you're hearing
it's likely Ducktail's show on WLIQ
Ducktail >< enjoys old blues and rhythm and blues music
from the old acoustic 20's recordings into the 1950's group vocal recordings, as well.
Some of these tunes are on old 78's and are really noisy and uncommon
Like The Sparks of Rhythm and The Dukes ... The list could go on and on.
If you're hearing r&b or blues on 6955
, it's likely WLIQ with an r&b show.
If it's rare, old and scratchy sounding, and worth mega bucks, you'll probably hear it on WLIQ!
Delbert is WLIQ's resident bassmaster and fishing pro.
Delbert presents fishing tips and plugs for his bait store on an
irregular basis on WLIQ.
Look for fishing tips from Delbert coming up this fishing season.

Some of the tunes W.L.I.Q. shares with it's listening audience are quite
rare and little known. Because the tunes are so hard to find, you will often times hear noise, scratches, etc. on the air. Every so often we'll throw a tune
You have likely heard at one time or another.

W.L.I.Q. fan

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This page created 08/21/98 by smartones inc.
updated 12/20/01 by HIXINC