A collection of things that are
amusing, strange, sickening, stupid, and just
plain weird.
If you are weird, stupid, insane,
nutty, not all there, quacked, on drugs, easily
amused, bored, wacky, high, constipated, or
deranged, DON'T WORRY. You're in good hands. Take
a journey through the weird world and you're sure
to feel at home. Not ALL enlarged prostated mice
go through the multinuclear levalminded biscuits
of modern culture in todays society. But we all
feel weird, in our own profound way.
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right, go to the official home of The Weird World
at www.the-weird-world.com
Featured Audio File: Fifteen Clowns Getting Drunk In A
Circus Tent

Last Updated 9 - 28 - 05 , 6:27PM Central Time
viewed with at least 1024 X 768 Resolution