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These pages are intended as a tool to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please use it for His furtherment while you seek more information about pure Scriptural TRUTH. Truth is NOT relative. It is something that existed well before the beginning of what we human creatures call the extra-spacial fourth dimension of "time."
UFO's are Pre-supposed in the Bible Above the earth, many years ago ... The Book of Genesis begins with the words B'reshith bara Elohim ... or "In the beginning, God (plural) ...". Christians know from the whole counsel of God-breathed Scripture that God has always existed as a relational unity (with the Son and the Spirit). We call it the Trinity, the three-oneness of ALMIGHTY GOD. The Bible also says that the otherwise perfect "anointed cherub who covers" led a third of the angels into rebellion and God cast them all out of the third heaven where He dwells. This adversary called Satan was now free to work his deception on volitional beings like us. His cohorts - rebellious "sons of God" - still
inhabit heavens 1 and 2 beyond the atmosphere. They seem to have a most
definite biblical link to the Unidentified Flying Objects we see with increasing
regularity. PLEASE click on the following to navigate the curious future world of the supernatural. When you are finished, please visit my sister site for a look at the ancient world - GOD'S GRAND PLAN. Blessings!
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