My Fanfic (and other musings)

"The time will come when your characters will write your stories for you, when your emotions, free of literary cant and commercial bias, wil blast the page and tell the truth." -- Ray Bradbury

I mostly write about Connor...that will become obvious as you see the summaries. But you'll see the other characters hanging around too (even within the Connor fic). To jump straight to the summaries, go here.

The Connor Continuum
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Thicker Than Water
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The First Time
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Bad Dreams
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A Few Words About
Connor and Duncan

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Birthday Tribute

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In Sickness
and In Health

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The Quackening
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Reflections on a Life
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A Few Thoughts
on Connor

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Thought Processes

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Youth is Contagious
(Rachel's Childhood, pt. 1)
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Christmas Wish
(Rachel's Childhood, pt. 2)
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Connor MacLeod,
This Is Your Life!

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Mind Your Ps and Qs
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The Letter
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Little Surprises
(Rachel's Childhood, pt. 3)
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Fighting Monsters
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The Devil You Know
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Please remember that feedback is big payment to a fanfic writer. As Ray Bradbury wrote:

What is the greatest reward a writer can have? Isn't it that day when someone rushes up to you, his face bursting with honesty, his eyes afire with admiration and cries, "That new story of yours was fine, really wonderful!"

All ratings (PG/PG-13/R) are simply my idea of where these stories fit in terms of level of violence and/or sexual references. Opinions may differ.


The Connor Continuum -- Love can strike as quick as lightning. But when you're an Immortal who has suffered the losses too many times, is there still room for love? (Connor, OFC Guin, a smattering of other HL regulars) (warning: very long, 16 chapters and an epilogue) (approx. R rating)

Thicker Than Water -- "Blood is thicker than water," the old saying goes...but few Immortals are connected by bloodlines. (Duncan, Methos, Joe, OFC Megan) (PG-13)

The First Time -- There's a first time for everything, including an Immortal's first quickening. (Nick, Amanda [HL:Raven]) (post-"Dead on Arrival" episode) (PG)

Bad Dreams -- A cynical look at HL2 and HL3. (Connor, Brenda) (PG)

A Few Words About Connor and Duncan (Living to Fight Versus Fighting to Live) -- A few random thoughts about Connor, Duncan and their differences in motivation and view of the Game.

My Birthday Tribute to Connor MacLeod -- A little poem I wrote for Connor's birthday, Jan 1, 1999.

Reunion -- The game of cowboys and Indians is never as simple as it seems. (PG-13)

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In Sickness and In Health -- Winning the prize brings more than Connor and Brenda bargained for. (PG-13)

Fatherhood -- A vignette more than a story -- Connor muses on what to do with the little girl he's found. (PG)

Grief -- Another vignette. Connor meets up with Duncan for Tessa's funeral. (PG)

The Quackening -- Two words: Immortal Ducks. (Yes, this is humor. :^P) (PG)

Reflections on a Life -- Rachel reflects on her life with Connor. (R)

A Few Thoughts on Connor -- (essay) Why I find Connor MacLeod interesting.

Connor's Thought Processes -- (essay) Some thoughts on the events in "Highlander:Endgame" (MOVIE SPOILERS)

Sanctuary -- Filling in some events in "Highlander:Endgame" (MOVIE SPOILERS) (PG-13)

Youth Is Contagious -- After WWII, Duncan visits Connor to find that there's a new addition to the elder MacLeod's household. (PG)

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Christmas Wish -- Duncan visits Connor and Rachel during Christmas, 1946. (PG)

Connor MacLeod, This Is Your Life -- A 2001 birthday tribute, with some tongue-in-cheek factor thrown in. (PG)

Mind Your Ps and Qs -- The alternate ending to Endgame that I swore I wouldn't write. *g* (PG-13)

The Letter -- A post-Endgame short fanfic. (PG-13)

Little Surprises -- Rachel is now 12, and starting to challenge Connor's authority.(PG)

Fighting Monsters -- According to legend, Immortals must die a violent death to become Immortal. What worse way to be reborn than by a hate crime? (Mostly original characters) (PG-13 Note: technically, this is "slash" because it has a same-sex couple [although not with established HL characters]. When I think of "slash," however, I think of explicit sex, which this does not contain. So whether this is truly "slash" depends on how you define the concept. I give this warning so you may judge for yourself whether you wish to read it.)

The Devil You Know -- Crossover fic with New Amsterdam. Immortal Homicide Detective John Amsterdam runs into Connor, whom he knew fifty years earlier.(PG)

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