My Family

My family means a lot to me. Which goes to say I believe in family values:) My family ain't like normal family's!!! But I love them all very much. Hopefully soon I can get all of my family up!! Which includes 6 aunts, 7 uncles, 19 cousins, and 5 second cousins and a nephew that just arrived as of July 8th!!

The first picture is of my dad, taken Jan/98. He's a cool guy:)) There is no one out there that I know know of, that is anything like him!!! He's like a kid trapped in a forty....well, we'll just say forty-something body:))

Next is my mom. I finally got a new picture of her. This was taken at my sister's b-day party on mar.23rd '98. You're welcome mom:) She prolly still won't be happy, typical

And last picture, in this row, is of my dad and I. Taken the summer of '96 in the Virginia mountains, near Front Royal. As u can see I was dragged into this picture unwillingly but it was worth it....and I have proof I was there!!

Now I finally have the new pictures. They are all from Jan.10th, taken with my dad's new digital camera that he got for christmas. Since I had so many, I had to categorize them in to groups. One link will go to me and whoever I'm with in the picture, one link of my dad and his girlfriend, one link of my sister and I and the newest ones of my sisters b-day. I won't have all these pictures up long because as u'll notice it'll be pretty cluster but since a lot of people wanted to see all of them i've narrowed it down to about 20 pictures..which is still a lot:) Then i'd say in about a month I'll narrow it down to 1 picture per person so get in and look now while they're still there:)

My pictures

Dad and Linda's Pictures

My sister and I

Well, that's it for now.....just wanted to get some stuff on this page so I could put it up:) I will be adding some graphics to this page in the near future but for now...plain is fine:)

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