I decided I would copy the Church Father's speaking from the bulletin's and poste them here. Enjoy

Church Fathers Speak- The proud man thinks he can comprehend everything with his mind. The Lord does not grant this. The Lord does not manifest Himself to the proud soul. Pride is difficult to detect in oneself, but the Lord leaves the proud to be tormented by their impotence until they humble themselves. St. Silouan

Church Fathers Speak- Do not allow human respect to get in your way when you hear someone slandering his neighbor. Instead say to him: “Brother, stop it! I do worse things every day, so how can I criticize him?” You accomplish tow things when you say this. You heal yourself and heal your neighbor with one bandage. Saint John Climacus

Church Fathers Speak- For what purpose does the Lord add day after day, year after year, to our existence? In order that we may gradually put away, cast aside, evil from our souls, each one his own, and acquire blessed simplicity; in order that we may become truly gentle; in order that we may learn not to have the least attachment to earthly things, but as loving and simple children may cling with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our thoughts, to God alone, and so to love Him, and our neighbor as ourselves. Let us therefore hasten to pray to the Lord, fervently and with tears, to grant us simplicity of heart, and let us strive by every means to cast out the evil from our souls. St. John the Kronstadt

Church Fathers Speak- Let us ask God to give us strength to remember the goods which others do for us and the evils which we do to others, and to forget the good things we offered to others and the evils which they do to us. Father Epiphanios Theodoropoulos

Church Fathers Speak- On the days when a Saint is celebrated, Christians ought to pray more ardently, with contrition and love, and entreat the Saint to intercede with God for the salvation of their soul. The feast day of every Saint is for Christians as serious reminder of the great sufferings which the Saints experienced for the sake of Christ. They were glorified by God and with glory they received a place in the Kingdom of Heaven. St. Rapheal of Lesbos.

Church Fathers Speak- Passion is an excessive feeling or appetite, going beyond what is reasonable. Passions are a disturbance of our soul contrary to our nature, in disobedience to reason. Passion is not natural and it ruins our nature instead of fulfilling it. St. Clement of Alexandria

Church Fathers Speak- We should not go beyond ourselves to seek for evil and imagine that there is an original nature of wickedness. Each of us is the first author of his own vice. Some events in life come naturally like old age; others by chance like meeting a mad dog. Others depend ourselves, like ruling one’s passions, putting a bridle on one’s pleasures, to be master of our anger, to raise a hand against one who irritates us, to lie or tell the truth, to have a well regulated disposition, or to be fierce and swollen from Pride. Here you are master of your actions. St. Basil the Great

Church Fathers Speak- The Beheading of the Forerunner on August 29th is a strict fast day each year. Regarding Fasting- The strictness of the Forty Days mortifies the passions, extinguishes anger and rage, cools and calms every agitation springing up from gluttony. And just as in the summer, when the burning heat of the sun spreads over the earth, the northern wind renders a benefaction to those who are scorched, by dispersing the sultriness with a tender coolness: so fasting also provides the same, by driving out of bodies the burning which is the result of overeating. St. Asterius of Amasia

Church Fathers Speak- Let your mind fast from vain thoughts; let your memory fast from remembering evil; let your will fast from evil desire; let your eyes fast from bad sights; turn away your eyes that you may not see vanity; let your ears fast from vile songs and slanderous whispers; let your tongue fast from slander, condemnation, blasphemy, falsehood, deception, foul language and every idle and rotten word; let your hands fast from killing and from stealing another’s goods; let your legs from going to evil deeds. Turn away from evil and do good. St. Tikon of Zadonsk

Church Fathers Speak- There is resurrection, a judgment, and a scrutiny of our actions; and if these are true, then there is no such thing as fate. And those who believe that the affairs of this world go on as chance would have them, and not by design, cannot be Christians. St. John Chrysostom

Church Fathers Speak- Stand patiently and pray steadfastly, brushing off the impacts of worldly carese and all thoughts; for they distract and worry you in order to disturb the impetus of your prayer. When the demons see that someone has the zeal and diligence to pray as he/she ought, then they suggest to him thoughts about something, supposedly important (and then they draw away). But a little later they again call up the thing, urging his/her mind to examine it (if it is a problem, to solve it; if it is a thing, to acquire it); Then, when he stands up to pray, the demons remind him of what he had thought of and sought for, so that his mind should once more be moved to inquiry and his prayer become barren. Saint Nilos of Sinai

Church Fathers Speak- Idle words in which there is nothing beneficial ought not to be spoken. For to speak or to perform even a good action without aiming to give edification is to grieve the Holy Spirit of God. St. Basil the Great

Church Fathers Speak- It is not the clever, the noble, the polished speakers, or the rich who win; but whoever is insulted and forbears, whoever is wronged and forgives, whoever is slandered and endures. Such a person is cleansed and polished. He reaches great heights. He delights in the theoria of mysteries. And finally, it is he who is already inside paradise, while still in this life. Elder Joseph the Hesychast

Church Fathers Speak- Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. For it is the nature of sin to darken our souls, to bind us hand and foot. It gives the sinner his own way of looking at things that is quite different from reality; sin shows him everything in an alluring light. Their eyes are blinded by pride and self-love, and if they do consider themselves great sinners, they succumb to the most terrible despair that overwhelms their mind with darkness and hardens their hearts. Only the Grace of God helps the sinner to turn from the way of sin. St. John of Kronstadt

Church Fathers Speak- We should accept afflictions just as we accept the hardship of a surgical operation in order to secure our health. Pain humbles a person. And the more he/she is humbled, the more he/she approaches God. Father Epiphanios Theodoropoulos

Church Fathers Speak- All my happiness and unhappiness are in the thoughts and desires of my heart. If the thoughts of my heart are in accord with God’s truth, with the will of God, then I am at rest, filled with divine light, joy and blessedness; if not, I am uneasy, filled with spiritual darkness that corrupts the soul, with heaviness and despondency. If I replace the false and ungodly thoughts of my heart by true and ungodly ones, then rest, blessedness and joy return. St. John of Kronstadt Church Fathers Speak- After Jesus had spoken to the Samaritan woman at the well, his disciples urged Him saying, “Rabbi eat.” But Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me.” If you want to find out how much you love God, then measure your obedience to His will. Lack of obedience is a lack of love. Jesus so loved His Father that He thought it preferable to food to do His will. The Father’s will is the salvation of mankind. Jesus had an unquenchable hunger to carry out His Father’s will; and after He had saved a soul, He felt nourished. Bishop Valimirovic

Church Fathers Speak- Take good care to keep guard over your tongue, so that no one speaks ill of his neighbor or plagues anyone by word or deed or gesture or any means whatever. Do not let yourself become so touchy that when you hear a sharp word from a brother he is put out or makes a contentious answer or remains vexed with him. That is not the way of those who desire to be saved, that is not the way of the spiritual athlete. Go in search of the fear of God, but with discretion, so that you go to meet one another as friends. Dorotheos of Gaza

Church Fathers Speak- The person must die to his neighbor and never judge him at all, in any way whatever. To die to one’s neighbor is this: To bear your own faults and not to pay attention to anyone else, wondering whether they are good or bad. Do not think anything bad in your heart towards anyone. Do not scorn the person who does evil. Do not put confidence in him who does wrong to his neighbor. Do not rejoice with him who injures his neighbor. This is what dying to one’s neighbor means. Abba Moses

Church Fathers Speak- Your children will always be sufficiently wealthy if they receive from you a good upbringing, that is able to order their moral life and behavior. Strive not to make them rich, but rather to make them pious masters of their passions, rich in virtues. Teach them not to dream up needs or to reckon their worth according to worldly standards. Watch their deeds, their acquaintances, and their attachments. St. John Chrysostom

Church Fathers Speak- The obligation of raising children belongs to fathers as well as mothers. Some fathers spare nothing to secure teachers of pleasure for their children. But for their children to exercise themselves in piety is of little importance to them. This inattention is criminal and is responsible for all the disorder that causes our society to groan. Though you may leave them large property, if they do not conduct themselves sensibly, it will be squandered. St. John Chrysostom

Church Fathers Speak- The Lord will one day question us regarding our children. He made us their masters, guardians and judges. If we answer that the children would not bend their necks to the yoke, He will say that the reins should have been placed on them before they had the power to break them. Their young souls should have been bent under the yoke of duty; the weeds should have been uprooted when they first began to sprout and not until they put down deep roots when the passions have become uncontrollable through gradual strengthening. St. John Chrysostom

Church Fathers Speak- The lessening of evil breeds abstinence from evil; and abstinence from evil is the beginning of repentance; and the beginning of repentance is the beginning of salvation; and the beginning of salvation is a good resolve; and a good resolve is the mother of labours. And the beginning of labors is the virtues; the beginning of virtues is a flowering, and the flowering of virtue is the beginning of activity. And the offspring of virtue is perseverance; and the fruit and offspring of persevering practice is habit, and the child of habit is character. St. John Climicus, Ladder of Divine Ascent

Church Fathers Speak- Jesus said, “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.” We should marvel at the steps Jesus ascended towards virtue in this matter. 1) Do not react with injustice. 2) Do not seek vindication by retaliating. 3) Be quiet. 4) Give one’s self up more than the one who wronged us wishes. 5) Do not hate him. 6) Love him. 7) Do him good. 8) Entreat God on his behalf. St. John Chrysostom

Church Fathers Speak- Jesus said, “He who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” In times past when heresies and persecutions prevailed, many chose death through martyrdom and various tortures. Now, through the grace of Christ, many of us live in a time of profound and perfect peace. Our cross and our death consist in putting to death our self-will. One who follows his own will, even slightly, can never follow the precepts of Christ. St. Symeon the New Theologian

Church Fathers Speak- We should never think evil of anyone, for through this we become evil, since an evil person thinks evil and a good person thinks good. Never have suspicions and never accuse any one of anything. Whenever the thought comes to you, “they say about me…”, know that it is the demon that whispers it in your ear. Do not trust them, for reality is not as they represent it. They only want to confuse you in every possible way. Saints Barsanuphios and John

Church Fathers Speak- A person is neither saved nor lost by the place he is in. He is saved or lost by his deeds. Neither holy place nor holy state is of use if he does not fulfill the commandments of God. Saul lived in regal luxury and perished. David also lived in luxury, yet he was saved. Lot lived among the lawless Sodomites, but he was saved. Judas was among the Apostles, but he went to hell. St. Nephon

Church Fathers Speak- Be full of goodness, free from envy, self-restrained, gentle, as generous as possible, kindly, peaceable. For to conform to God through such qualities and not to judge anyone or to saythat he is wicked and has sinned, is to render the soul inviolate. St. Anthony the Great

Church Fathers Speak- We spare nothing in order to teach our children the secular sciences, so that they can serve well the earthly authorities. Only the knowledge of the faith, and the service of the Heavenly King are a matter of indifference to us. We allow our children to attend spectacles, but we care little whether they go to church and stand there reverently. We demand an account from them of what they learned in the secular institutions, but we do not ask them what they heard in the Lord’s house. St. John Chrysostom

Church Fathers Speak- If any around you are lewd, impious, blasphemous and unruly—do not imitate them. But, do not find fault with them either, “Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.” Jesus also said, “I am sending you as sheep amid wolves.” Imitate instead the honeybee, which knows many impure, foul smelling and filthy places, but does not stop at these. He selects the fragrant and choice blossoms and he gathers up honey and the aromatic wax. If you see anyone who is good, wise, pious and virtuous—imitate and keep company with him. Elder Zervakos

Church Fathers Speak- Mothers should think of the example of Hannah, the mother of Samuel the prophet. Do not think that it is impossible to have this sort of son, but the mother must have faith and zeal. She must entrust her child to God. Hannah took Samuel to the temple when he was only an infant. By dedicating the first fruits of her womb, God blessed her marriage more than ever with many more children. Teach your children to love true wisdom and they will have greater wealth and glory than riches can provide. If a child is highly educated for a lucrative profession, this is nothing compared to the art of detachment from riches. He is truly rich who requires nothing. St. John Chrysostom.

Church Fathers Speak- Prayer is the oxygen of the soul. The studying of Holy Scripture helps prayer greatly. It warms the soul and imparts the praying person to a spiritual area. When prayer weakens, it reveals spiritual dryness and lukewarmness. Against them let us use brief prayers and mainly the prayer of Jesus. Elder Paisios

Church Fathers Speak- The Apostles caught all mortals in their nets, not with their elegant words, but with divine power. They took up the cross of Jesus like a rod, and used words like lines and fished the world. They used His Word as a sharp hook and His flesh as bait. But they did not hunt to bring death but life to those who honor and glorify the All-Holy Spirit. St. Romans the Melodist

Church Fathers Speak- Do not allow human respect to get in your way when you hear someone slandering his neighbor. Instead, say this to him: “Brother, stop it! I do worse things every day, so how can I criticize him?” You accomplish two things you say this. You heal yourself and you heal your neighbor with one bandage. St. John Climacus

Church Fathers Speak- Let us struggle with all our powers to gain Paradise. The gate is very narrow and do not listen to those who tell you that all of us will be saved. This is a trap of Satan for us to not struggle. Elder Paisios