For those who don’t know what Henna is, there are a lot of web sites out there that go into the details of why and where it started, what the traditions and practices are, and so on. Why did I start? Because I am too chicken to get a tattoo with a needle. The pain I think I could live with, but I can’t imagine what image I would want permanently etched into my skin, or what colors, or where I’d put it. So, I looked into alternatives and poof! I found Henna. My husband, Mike, was real supportive, and bought me my first kit for Christmas in 2003 and then encouraged me to buy a paste-making kit in Jan 2004. I’ve really enjoyed playing around with it and have done several designs on myself and one on my husband and one on our cousin. People compliment the designs, ask about how I do it, and if I charge (which I’m considering), as well as talking about where they’ve had theirs done (usually on cruises, in the islands, or at fairs). So have fun looking it over!
Just check out the links below to look at the various images I've put up. They were all done in January 2004, the heart, splash, and tri images were done in the first week and have lasted 4 weeks (and some are still lingering) and the bracelet was done at the end of the month.
Links to other sites on the Web
First Set of Henna Images
Second Set of Henna Images
This is a temporary page for my henna images. Eventually, I will put up a really awesome page!