If you are anything like me when I first bumbed into the Master of the Desert Nomads you are a little confused right now! This section answers a few questions about what the game is and how it works.


Nope. This is the Original Dungeons and Dragons (oD&D or just D&D) game. The one that started over thirty years ago. The original is great because of a couple of reasons: 

oD&D is set in a great world called 'Mystara', which is the same as the Known World first described in the X1 module - 'The Island of Dread'.

The simple rule system encourages roleplaying rather than dice roling.

Lots of pre-written adventures are available, eg the X4 and X5 modules 'The Master of the Desert Nomads' and 'The Temple of Death'.

People from all over the world, but mostly from North America. The orginal DM was from New Zealand, but was sent overseas by an army posting - the role was then taken over by an American. There are usually six players with a few lurkers waiting in the wings to take over if required.

The game started in January 1997 - that's a long time ago! Still going strong (if the game stops I'll be sure to remember to update the main page and let everyone who comes here know...)