Player Characters
(In Order of Appearance)
Turadyl Feadiel
7th Level Elf
Status: Active
Perhaps the greatest skill Turadyl
has has gained in his 120 year life is the understanding of how humans
work. Cast out of his ancestral home while still a child, he learnt his
magical craft while traveling the world. For the last few years he was
the first mate on board the Minothradian vessel 'The Venture'. Its sinking
left him in Specularum with his desire for adventure unquenched, but with
a need to stay on dry land for a while. Traveling to the Sindian desert
in the west seemed like the perfect solution.
Rodrick of Darokin
9th Level Fighter
Status: Died gloriously
Rodrick began his career in the
Darokin Diplomatic Corps posted in Selenica. Although his ability to lead
and fight lead to his rapid promotion, he always expressed dissatisfaction
with the way the DDC fought its battles. He strongly believed that a good
offense was the best defense. After parting with the Darokin army he became
a mercenary in the Heldanic Territories, fighting for the freedom of the
native people even though their cause was a hopeless one. Upon hearing
that his country of birth was in danger he rushed home, but was too late
to join the main Darokin force sent west. He volunteered to join the Karameikan
army instead, and soon met Turadyl.
Malthus Padimar
8th Level Cleric
Status: Active
Malthus is a man who has rejected
the seduction of city life for the wilds. However, his fighting skill,
healing ability and seemingly direct line to his god Halav through visions,
has seen him rise to the rank of Bishop in his church. A sign from Halav
scared him so much that he discarded his life in the woods, and rushed
to join the team traveling west.
Meltar Vladimirov
8th Level Magic-User
Status: Left the party under
suspicious circumstances (Haven't seen the last of him unfortunately).
An arrogant manner and an unscrupulous
attitude towards the way he uses his magic have not stopped Meltar rising
to a position of importance in the Karameikan school of magic. Originally
joining as a way to get to the Kingdom of Sind quickly, Meltar decided
to help the party when their position becomes more desperate.
1th Level Magic-User
Status: Left with Meltar
Alexander is Meltar's apprentice.
He is young, untrained, and a lot more caring about how uses his magic.
The young man also proved great as the party cook, seemingly being able
to turn any animal, vegetable or insect into a delicious meal.
Cronwyn Thraddan
9th Level Fighter
Status: Active
Cronwyn is a merchant from the Republic
of Darokin. He originally intended to lead a small party of DDC troops
into the desert on a scouting mission, however when he saw a way to save
his homeland he willing joins the party.
Kris of Karameikos
8th Level Thief
Status: Active
Kris was an archer in his country's
capital for a few years before deciding to become an adventurer. Since
then he has wandered, never taking root anywhere. He joined a caravan travelling
from Darokin to Slagovich just before the war started, and ended up meeting
the paty in the desert. Very keen on playing dice.
Shayam of Darokin
8th Level Thief
Status: Active
This dark skin Darokin native spent
many years at see before deciding to try his luck on land. When it was
discovered he was a thief some members of the party were not impessed,
but he has since proven his worth many times.
Ark Theindel
6th Level Elf
Status: Active
Ark is an elf more in the ferral
sense than his fellow countryman. He relies more on his skills with sword
and shield than magic. He also lived most of his life inside Alfhiem, which
means he is not experienced with dealing with humans.
Leham Treeshadow of Deepmoss
7th Level Halfling
Status: Active
Leham signed on with the second
batillion of the Five Shires (or the 'fangs' as they are called), for adventure
and a chance to see life outside of his country. However, he mostly saw
death. First his entire troop was slaughtered except himseld. Then he was
captured by the enemy. Only the bravery and the quick thinking skills of
his friends managed to save him. He has still recovering from his meeting
with the 'White Lady'.
Ghitu of the Kingdom of Sind,
aka The Waterboy aka Iksandhar
7th Level Mage
Status: NPC traveling with the
Ghitu appeared to be just the village
idiot, but showed his true colours when the party needed him. He still
won't reveal his background or even his real name. One thing is certain,
he is a powerful mage and dedicated to removing the master from his homeland.
Mazjlin of the Muhadi Tribe
3rd Level Fighter
Status: Killed by some stealthy shape-changing desert demons
This lean and heavily tattooed warrior was originally a desert nomad serving in the Master’s forces. Disgusted by the way his people were treated, and the brutal discipline that was enforced upon them, he was an easy target for Ghitu’s charm spell. Under the influence of the enchantment Mazjlin helped the party rescue Leeham, and then flee into the desert. After the spell was broken, he was still keen to continue traveling with the party and free his people (the Muhadi tribe of the desert nomads) from the yoke of this Master.
Non-Player Characters (NPC)
(In Order of Appearance)
Garrison commander in Specularum.
Karlos was an old friend of Rodrick
from back in the days when they both served in the DDC. This probably helped
get the party on their way.
Unit commander stationed in
If the enemy could be defeated by
paper work then this made would have already pushed the evil hordes back
to the black mountains. Sarras does come around to the party's way of thinking
when a way to strike at the Master from power is discovered.
Captain of Night Watch in
Cleric of Halav and Advance
Scout for the Karmeikian Army
Sindian River Scout and Boatman
Mountain Giant, Chief in Hulean Engineering Corps
His huge size and genius level intelligence (for a giant anyway) have seen Gholkhus obtain a position in the engineering corps in the Hulean army. He comes close to discovering the party until Leeham distracts him, however the little halfling pays a heavy price for this.
The White Lady
The Master’s Mistress, Military Advisor, Witch and General Very Bad Guy
The White Lady generates fear whereever she and her senile Nagpa assistant go.
Questioner Serred
Diviner in the Hulean Military
