Animalism Back to Top
Animalism allows empathy with and power over the animal world, as well as the animal within, and embodies the Beast which lurks within the soul of every Cainite. Those with Animalism can understand and soothe the passions of animals and control the actions of such creatures by touching the heart of the Beast within them all.
    0 Sweet Whispers
A limited form of empathic communication and can make specific requests of creatures. This all takes place mentally—there is no need for you to hiss or bark to communicate with an animal (Hint Hint). In order for you to establish communication, you have to obtain and maintain DIRECT eye contact, or you will not be able to communicate.
    00 The Beckoning
The essence of the animal has grown strong in you, and now animals respond when you call to them. You can now summon almost any species of animal, drawing them to you. You have to in the voice of the animals to be summoned—howling like a wolf or squawking like a bird. There is no way to cancel a call after it has been made, so you’d better get it right the first time.
    000 Song of Serenity
This allows you to expel the savagery from an animal or mortal, causing the target to become passive and listless, simply by touching the individual you wish to affect and by singing a song of comfort and solace to the Beast within, you can take from him that which gives him the fire of individuality and creativity.
    0000 Sharing of Spirits
By staring into the eyes of an animal, your spirit or conscious mind moves within the animal and possesses it. This allows you to control the actions of the animal as if you were that animal. Your body will act as if in Torpor (Final Death) while you are Sharing your Spirit.
    00000 Drawing out the Beast
You have attained a deep understanding of the mysteries of man’s wild cousins. Now, since you know this, you can better deal with the Beast within. When the Beast becomes too powerful, you can transfer the feral urges to another creature. You induce frenzy in another animal, man, or Vampire as a means of avoiding it yourself.
Auspex Back to Top
This Discipline is one of extrasensory awareness, empathy, and perception. Whoever has this Discipline tends to be strongly affected by environmental phenomena, especially beauty. Loud noises can be very disturbing.
    0 Heightened Senses
You can sharpen all five of your senses to an extraordinary degree. This is done at will, and lasts as long as you want.
    00 Aura Perception
You can see the auras of other beings, the colors of which indicate their moods, identities, and levels of hostility. This power also allows you to recognize other Vampires (they have pale auras).
    000 The Spirit's Touch
You may pick up an object and gain impressions of one of the individuals who last held it. Mostly things such as race, sex, and even aura of the person in question can also be discerned. The Spirit’s Touch can also reveal how the owner came to possess the item, or reveal what went on during the last moments the subject held the object.
    0000 Telepathy
You can probe the surface thoughts of a nearby subject and listen to them as you would listen to that person speak. Take enough time, and you can learn all that you want about the subject.
    00000 Psychic Projection
You can separate you mind from your body. You can travel anywhere, but cannot leave the Earth’s realm. The body, while you are out, will act as if in Torpor (Final Death). You have no idea of what is going on around or in your body. Your body could be in flames for all you know.
Celerity Back to Top
This Discipline enables you to have the superior quickness of Vampires. A rating in Celerity allows a Vampire to move extremely quick in times of stress, and take multiple actions in a single turn. One extra action is allowed per point of Celerity. One Blood Point must be spent every turn the character uses Celerity.
Dominate Back to Top
This Discipline reflects the mystical ability of Vampires to influence the minds and actions of others. Dominate is the power of the mind and will. It affects judgment and mental functioning of the target, not the emotions. Dominate requires DIRECT eye contact. Orders have to be given verbally.
    0 Command the Wearied Mind
You are able to give a one-word command to another; the command must be obeyed instantly. The command must be a simple and concise word with only one meaning—jump, sit, stand, laugh, cry, run, hop, blink, smile, frown, cough. You may include the word in a sentence, and only stress the command word slightly, thus concealing from others what you are doing.
    00 Mesmerize
You can implant a suggestion into the unconscious mind of a subject. This requires intense concentration and the careful and precise use of instructions for the intent of your orders to be carried out properly. You may cause the mesmerization to take effect immediately, or you can designate the events which will trigger it.
    000 The Forgetful Mind
You can steal, create, and remove memories from a subject. This is good for making people forget you drank their blood, or that they even met you.
    0000 Conditioning
Over time, an individual can be Conditioned so that she is thereafter unable to resist your Domination and is also more resistant to the Domination of others.
    00000 Possession
You can take complete control of another person’s mind and body. By actually entering the person’s mind, you may control actions in a very precise manner. While controlling the other person’s mind, your body will act as if it’s in Torpor (Final Death).
Fortitude Back to Top
Fortitude describes a type of Supernatural toughness and vigor which allows Kindred extra advantages in resisting harm to which their kind is especially vulnerable. Those with Fortitude are not easily bowed by Sunlight and Fire, and are even more resistant to "normal" injuries.
Obfuscate Back to Top
Kindred with this Discipline excel at hiding among and away from crowds. When they do not wish to be seen, others, especially mortals, rarely notice them even if they stand right in front of a crowd. Kindred employing Obfuscate can’t be seen. A Kindred who possesses a higher Auspex rating than your Obfuscate rating can see you. For example, you have a 4 in Obfuscate, and another player has 5 in Auspex, you cannot hide from that person. If you have a higher Obfuscate rating than that of another player, then that person cannot see you.
    0 Cloak of Shadows
Your ability to conceal yourself is not yet fully developed, so you need some sort of cover in order to hide yourself effectively. Most often, it’s the shadows of an alley or a recessed door frame that is used to hide in, but this also works if you can interpose a tree or lamppost (no matter how narrow) between yourself and the ones from which you hide.
    00 Unseen Presence
You can effectively cause yourself to disappear indefinitely and remain hidden even if you walk around.
    000 Mask of the Thousand Faces
This ability does not hide you from the gaze of others, but makes you appear as someone other than who you truly are. Your appearance does not actually change—you simply make people think they see someone else.
    0000 Vanish From the Mind's Eye
You may disappear from plain view. Even if you are standing face to face with a mortal, you may just simply vanish.
    00000 Cloak the Gathering
This incredibly manipulative power allows you to extend any of your Obfuscate powers to those around you. Not only are you concealed, but so is everyone else who you want to be concealed with you.
Potence Back to Top
This Discipline defines the superior strength that Vampires possess. This additional physical might allow great feats to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform. Potence allows a Vampire to jump and leap greater distances, lift greater weights, and inflict greater harm upon objects and individuals when they are punched or hit. For example, you punch somebody using Potence, one hit , with Potence, causes the damage of two hits.
Presence Back to Top
A Vampire with the Presence Discipline is exceptionally attractive and appealing to others. This Discipline is a power over the emotions of people, not their judgment or reason. Presence causes others to feel things or react in certain ways toward the Vampire, but direct manipulation of the mind is the domain of Dominate. Direct eye contact is NOT required, but for Presence to go into effect, you need to be in clear sight of those you wish to affect.
    0 Awe
Everyone near you becomes intensely attracted to you. They will do anything to be close to you. The effects last only as long as the subjects are in your presence, but the next time they see you, the feelings are likely to return.
    00 Dread Gaze
The exhibition of your full Vampiric powers can cause great fear and loathing in mortals. This is usually accomplished by bearing teeth and claws while hissing loudly. You are capable of driving mortals insane with fear, or frightening them into submission or flight with the merest snarl.
    000 Entrancement
Entrancement is used to convince another to serve you. The subject of your Entrancement will be enchanted with you and with the desire to serve your needs. Unlike a person possessed with Dominate powers, the subject of your Entrancement retains her freedom of action and creativity.
    0000 Summon
With this power, you may call a person from a very great distance and that person will come to attend your desires. The subject of the summons may not know exactly why he is walking across the room toward the cloaked stranger, but the Kindred’s powerful aura will completely entrance the subject.
    00000 Majesty
You are universally respected and feared. Unless mortals or even Kindred stop to consider their feelings about you, they are likely to treat you respectfully without conscious thought. The very sight of you causes jaws to drop in awe and even the most courageous fear you.
Protean Back to Top
This Discipline allows a Vampire to transform either her entire body or a part of her body into something inhuman. The Vampire can grow claws, turn into a bat or wolf, meld into the Earth, or transform into mist.
    0 Gleam of Red Eyes
You can see perfectly in normal darkness. Limited vision is even possible in absolute darkness, (ex. An underground cave where there is no light at all) a fact that perplexes the scientific-minded among the Kindred. When this power is activated, your eyes glow an eerie red.
    00 Wolf Claws
You are able to grow an inch-long claw on each finger on both hands. These claws are excellent weapons for combat, and can be used in attacks. One wound brings you down one Health Level (See Player Handbook for explanations of Health Levels), and this creates and aggravated wound (See Player Handbook for Healing Time). The player injured will have to use Blood Points or Thaumaturgy to heal.
    000 Earth Meld
This power enables you to make the Earth part of yourself and thus merge with it. Others viewing your use of Earth Meld will simply see you sink into the ground. You can ONLY (Hint Hint) sink into the Earth.
    0000 Shadow of the Beast
You may transform into either a wolf or a bat. When in the form of either creature, you benefit from all the obvious advantages, such as the increased sense of the wolf or the bat’s ability to fly.
    00000 Form of Mist
You possess the Vampiric power to transform into mist. Your very essence seems to slowly float apart when this power is employed. You can float in any direction at walking speed, are not affected by physical attacks, and can slip through the tiniest of openings with ease.
Thaumaturgy Back to Top
This is the practice of blood magic, and is largely used by the Tremere Clan, who created it and guard its secrets jealously.
    0 A Taste For Blood
You may determine how much blood is left in a Kindred or mortal, how recently a Vampire has fed, and the approximate generation of a Vampire. You must touch the blood in order to be able to tell anything about it.
    00 Blood Rage
With just a touch, the character can force another Kindred to use her blood whether she wants to or not. Thus a Vampire may find her Strength suddenly increasing and have no idea why.
    000 Blood of Potency
You can make the blood in your body more potent, thereby lowering your effective generation.
    0000 Theft of Vitae
You can mysteriously transfer the blood into your system from a distance and even drain the Blood Pools of other creatures to add to your own.
    00000 Cauldron of Blood
By touching another, you are able to boil her blood, not only causing incredible physical harm, but destroying much of her blood as well. This will kill any mortal, and inflict great harm upon Vampires.
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