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This is a test of the Emergency Internet Broadcast Service.

The Internet Service Providers in your area, in co-operation with Federal, State and Local Authorities, have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency.

If this had been an actual emergency, the title image above would be flashing RED and BLUE. In addition, you would be directed to receive and obey emergency instructions from your local ISP. Government guidelines are available regarding the conditions that must persist in order for an emergency situation to exist ;

The following is a brief excerpt from Section 24, Paragraph 10 of the EIBS Code Book:

. . . an Emergency Situation is in effect when one of six (6) events occur. 1. Toronto, Ontario becomes the prototype for a Judge Dredd comic book - Megacity One. 2. Internet Explorer 4.0 (the "Evil Eye-Eee") becomes pre-installed on most new PCs, thus allowing Bill Gates to take inventory of your computer. 3. Avid TV zombies become mesmerized by the latest Superbowl Sunday. 4. People begin spreading rumours about Windows 98 and NT 5.0. 5. Geocities pops up crappy ads over my nice page. 6. X-Files and Millenium are all reruns, despite this being the "new season".

Please note: For this to be an emergency broadcast, the TITLE IMAGE must be flashing RED and BLUE.

This site is constantly being updated to keep you informed of the world situation. Please stay advised.

Please try not to press this button!


Toronto Freenet

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