Ever read an L.J.Smith book and thought that the character seemed as though you had met him/her before. Could it be fate? I'm not so sure. I've (Diana) read L.J.Smith many, many times over the years and soon started to realize that maybe the characters might be the same throughout the series. So...I asked Faye and some other eople what they thought and fortunately, they agreed with me and I didn't feel so crazy!
Warning...this page may be hazardous for your frustration level...it's only a personal opinion thing and not to be taken to heart. Some of these may be true and others may not (we like to use this information to get people's opinions but be careful...I have a gentle heart so don't yell at me too much.

- Diana Meade (SC)=Hellewise (NW...Sm/older)=Thea Harman (NW...Sb/as a combination of Cassie and Diana)
- Faye Chamberlain (SC)=Blaise Harman (NW...Sb)=Maya (NW...Sm/in her most evilest way)
- Deborah (SC)=Dee (FG)=Kestral (NW...Dod)
- Susan (SC)=Audrey (FG)
- Meridith (VD)=Melanie (SC)=Anna (DV)=Keller (NW...Wl/but taken a step into her personal life...like Anna with longing for Rob)=Rowan (NW...Dod/with a little of Diana in her)
- Damon (VD)=Ash (NW...DoD)
- Nick (SC)=Stefan (VD)
- Katherine (VD/bad version)=Jacinth (SC/good version)
- Adam Conant(SC)=Rob Kessler(DV)=Galen (NW...Wl)=Tom (FG)
- Sean (SC)=Lewis (DV)=Renny (DV...evil Lewis and Sean)
- Julian (FG)=Gabriel (DV)
- Bonnie (VD)=Laurel(SC)=Winnie(WL)
More will be added soon!!!
Please e-mail me if any other similarities between characters and why atdiana_sc@hotmail.com
The information contained on this page has been taken from all of L.J.Smith's books and published by Archway books. All rights are reserved. This page is strictly for entertainment use only.