In the novels that L.J.Smith writes...the meanings of the names of the characters seemed to be mentioned in several of the books (Robert talks about how Elena is the light and Cassie's granmother talks about how their family names all of their daughters after prophetesses). Here is a list of the character and why L.J.Smith may have named them that particular name when picking out her characters.
Adam (Secret Circle)-This is Hebrew for Earth (and that is Adam's best element).
Alexandra(Secret Circle)-This is Greek for helper and defender of mankind.
Anna(Dark Visions)-This is Hebrew for graceful.
Athena(Secret Circle/one of the Goddesses)-This is Greek for wisdom.
Audrey(Forbidden Game)-This is Old French for noble strength.
Blake(Secret Circle/Cassie's Last Name)- This is an old-english word that means "fair-haired" or "fair-complected".
Cassandra(Secret Circle)-This is a Greek name and it means "helper of man" and "disbelieved by man". The name Cassandra comes from a prophetess (in Ancient Greece) during the fall of Troy that warned everyone of the fall but no one listened to her and it happened anyway. She is seen as being in relation to both The Mother Goddess and the God Aries. (Cassie in the Secret Circle was named Cassandra because her mother wanted to name her daughter after a prophetess just like her mother did before her.)
Conant-Old English for intelligent...also similar to "Conan the Barbarian".(Adam Conant was very intelligent and sometimes envious of Diana because although she was intelligent...she was also pure and could only see things in a certain perpective.)Adam Conant was considered the man that everyone wanted from the book and instead of getting into trouble for picking an apple...he ended up getting in trouble for kissing anokther girl (Faye could play the snake role ;)
Constance(Secret Circle)-This is latin for firmness and constancy.
Chris(Secret Circle)-This is greek for "Christ-bearer"
Deborah(Secret Circle)-This is Hebrew for Bee and was once a great Hebrew prophetess.
Deirdre(Dee-Forbidden Game)-This is Welsh for dark and black. This is the form of Delia, Diana, and Deirdre.
Diana -This is latin for "divine". The name Diana comes from Greek and Roman times when the Goddess Diana of the hunt, fertility, and the moon ruled as the sister to Apollo. There was also another Diana that was called "the Queen of Witches" because she turned all the stars into rats one day in order to impress all the witches on earth...this Diana had a daughter who was called Aradia and was worshipped by many and played a sort similar to Jesus.(Diana Meade from the Secret Circle is seen (in a way) as divine and pure without much thought to evil. She is also the High Priestess of the coven throughout the first two books.)
Doug(Secret Circle)-This is Scottish-Gaelic for "from the dark water"
Elena(Vampire Diaries)-This is Greek for light and is a form of Helen.
Faye(Secret Circle)-This is Old French for fairy Elf.
Gabriel(Dark Visions)-This is Hebrew for "God is my strength" and/or "man of God"
Galen (NW)-This is Greek for tranquil.
Hannah (NW-Soulmate)-This is Hebrew for "God's Blessing".
Hunter (NW)-This is Anglo Saxon for "Hunter".
Jacinth(Secret Circle)-This is Greek meaning "Hyacinth flower" and is a form of Hyacinth.
James (NW-Secret Vampire)-This is Old English for "Heavenly".
Jenny(Forbidden Game)-This is Welsh for white and fair. It is also a form of Guinivere.
Joyce(Dark Visions)-This is Latin for Joyous.
Julian(Forbidden Game)- This is latin/Greek for "belonging or related to Julias." Julias is youthful and downy-bearded" and as historical, he is Julius Caesae, a great Roman emperor.
Kaitlyn(Dark Visions)-This is the irish form of Katerina.
Katherine(Vampire Diaries)-This is Greek for Pure and it is english for Katherine.
Kori(Secret Circle)-This is Greek for maiden. It is mythological because she is the daughter of Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture.
Laurel(Secret Circle)-This is Latin for corwn of laurel leaces
Lupe (NW-Soulmate)-This is Spanish for "Mary's first appearance"
Maggie (NW)-This is Greek for pearl.
Maude(Secret Circle)-This is a familiar form of Madeline.
Meade-This is greek for 'honey wine' and is also known for being the Mead moon of the moon year.
Melanie(Secret Circle)-This is Greek for dark-clothed.
Melanie Glaser is seen as a kind of dark character and yet she is definately know for the 'good side'. She is almost always seen in a somber mood, intelligent, and quiet.
Meredith(Secret Circle)-This is Welsh for "Guardian from the Sea".
Michael (Forbidden Game)-This is Hebrew for "Who is like God?"
Morgead (NW)-This is Gaelic for "Sea's Edge".
Nick(Secret Circle)-This is Greek for "victory of the people"
Portia(Secret Circle)-This is Latin for "offering".
Poppy(NW...SV)-This is Latin for poppy flower.
Quinn(NW...Dod and Hun)-This is Latin for "Five; fifth child".
Rachelle(NW...Hun)-This is Hebrew for Ewe. In Biblical times she was the wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph. In French it means "From the little rock".
Rob (Dark Visions)-This is Anglo Saxon for "bright fame".
Salvatore(Vampire Diaries)-This means "Savior."
Sasha(Dark Visions)-This is a Russian familar form of Alexandra.
Stephan(Vampire Diaries)- This is Greek for Crown.
Susan(Secret Circle)-This is Hebrew for "lily" and she was the adultress that was saved by the wisdom of Danil.
Summer (Forbidden Game)-This is English for "bright" and "Cheerful." It is also realated to Sonia.
Thierry (NW-Soulmate)-This is latin for "tender".
Tom (Forbidden Game)-This is Hebrew for "twin" and he was "biblical," one of the twelve apostles.
Zachery (Forbidden Game)-This is Hebrew for "Johovah hath remembered."

The information for the meanings of the characters was taken from "10,000 Baby Names" by Bruce Lansky and published by Meadowbrook for entertainment use only and are in no way to be used for money.