This page is designed to help others find more information on L.J.Smith and/or to just browse around sites the internet for sites made by L.J.Smith fans. If you or any of your friends have a site about L.J.Smith or it's just a really, really good...please e-mail Diana at diana_sc@hotmail.com. I am really desperate to find as many sites with either a little or a lot of information about L.J.Smith as I can so that people can jump around to tons of L.J.Smith sites and get TONS of information. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Other Great Pages from "L.J.Smith World" Visitors that Do Not Deal with Smith But are Still Really Good
The Ultimate Japanimation Page (Hey, L.J.Smith isn't my ONLY page...^_^)
X-files Page by Mary-Lynnette Carter
A Great Sailor Moon Homepage (ask Faye, Sailor Moon is my fav. Japanimation) by Baby Mercury
The Knights Who Say Ni by Jen Stern (MP RULES!!!)
Welcome to the Land of the Insane by Aradia (Great art, she has good tastes...Jon Bowswer rules!!!)
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