The World of L.J.Smith L. J. Smith World

L. J. Smith World

Welcome to our World

Welcome to L. J. Smith World
Before anything else, we would just like to say thank you for coming to the page and for reading these little blurbs. This is Diana Meade and Faye Chamberlain working many, many hours to put up the best homepage humanly possible so that people can read about L.J.Smith.
The purpose of this page is to show everyone that people of many ages read L. J Smith (Personally, Diana is now a Sophmore at ECSU and Faye is a Freshman at American University in Washington D.C.), reveal secrets from L. J. Smith's books, and to just bring together people with similar interest. If you would have any ideas of what would be good to put on it, new coincidences and subjects that we didn't catch, or just want to talk about the page in general...please e-mail us at: and/or
Diana is also on AOL Instant Messenger...the Screen Name is: dianameade

Updates and New Items:

Small Warning: Even though the pages are up, we're still constantly adding more information to please check them frequently! We'll try our best to tell you when we update or add something new!!!

8/21/99: Wow! I move quicker than I think. The screensaver is done and I am currently trying to make it available to you guys. Please tell me if it works or not. Now it works, just needed a little fine tuning...^_^ Thanks!click here for the L.J.Smith Screensaver download

Psst! For those who haven't seen this yet, this is our new banner to the page. If you have your own page and like our page a lot, then please save this image and use it on your own to link to ours. Any questions on how to do this? Ask Diana...she knows...^_^!!!

Chat Page!

The Book Page
The L. J. Smith Biography

About Diana and Faye
Our Own Amateur Stories

The Secret Circle: Spells, herbs, Crystals,and more
The Vampire Diaries: The Legend of the Vampire
The Night of the Solstice and Heart of Valor: Tales of King Arthur
The Forbidden Games: The Runes and North Mythology
Dark Visions: Psychic Abilties

How the Secret Circle's Female Members Correspond to Greek Goddesses
How Dark Visions Relates to Gen 13
How L. J. Smith Adds Meaning to her Characters Names
How L. J. Smith Makes her Characters Immortal Through the Different Series
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" vs. L.J.Smith's Vampire Diaries
The L. J. Smith Companion: A Guide to her Books

L.J.Smith and other links

This is how many people have come to visit this page since 11/13/97. Our last update was 9/01/99. Please e-mail us with opinions...they make a difference...enjoy!

Read my Dreambook!
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All of the information in this homepage pertaining to "Nightworld", "Vampire Diaries", and all other L.J.Smith books are owned and copyrighted by L.J.Smith. This homepage was designed to show the interest in the author and should not be considered commercial in any way. All other authors that are represented in this book are intended to follow these same guidelines.

This The L.J.Smith Dark Mysteries Webring site is owned by
Diana Meade.

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