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Final Fantasy II
Title Theme - FF2 title screen music
The Adventure Begins - Cecil and Kain set out on their journey
Cecil's Theme - Our main character
Rosa's Theme - Cecil's love, Rosa
Rydia's Theme - The Caller, My favorite character
Edward's Theme - Edbard The Ward
The Mysidian Elder's Theme - He's wise, and he knows about a whale
Golbez's Theme - Our initial villain
Dr. Lugae's Theme - He's a little nuts, but he means bad
Map Music - The world is a big place
Township Music - So many towns, so little GP
Mountain Music - It's beautiful up there, just don't fall
Cave Music I - i.e. Cave of Mist
Cave Music II - i.e. Sylvan Cave
Tower of Babil - So big it's on both world maps
Tower of Zot - Rescue Rosa
Enemy Battle Music - Don't take any prisoners
Crisis Music - Surprise attacks and the like
Boss Battle Music - We're gonna hurt you!
Sadness Music - Someone has died or left the party
Ending Music I - Finally done!
Ending Music II - Well, that was fun
FF2 Midis ZIP File - Download the entire FF2 Collection in one ZIP file
Final Fantasy III
Opening Scene Music I - Storyline background
Opening Scene Music II - The snow-walk credits
Tara's Theme - Our main character
Locke's Theme - He's a theif...err...treasure hunter
Celes' Theme I - Emperial general turned returner
Celes' Theme II - ***
Celes' Theme III - This version is "slightly different"
Cyan's Theme - He's great with a sword
Setzer's Theme - A good fighter and a great airship pilot
Gau's Theme - He's a bit primitive, but lovable
Gogo's Theme - He's strange and mysterious, but he knows how to dress
Mog's Theme - This moogle speaks English!
Relm's Theme I - She's a good artist to fight with(?!?!)
Relm's Theme II - ***
Shadow's Theme - He and his dog, Interceptor, will become good allies
Strago's Theme - He's relm's grandfather, and he has a natural tendancy towards magic
Umaro's Theme - A Sasquash!!!
Rachel's Theme - Locke's love who died because of him
Daryl's Theme - Setzer's one true love, she died in an airship race with him
Impressario's Theme - HIs only wish: To have a perfect opera
Kefka's Theme - Our somewhat corny villain
Ultros' ThemeHe keeps popping up, but he's never very challenging
Map Music (WOB) - This world is very big
Map Music (WOR) - Different, and yet very similar
Chocobo Music - These big yellow birds will let you ride on their backs
Emperial Music - Many towns have been conquered by the Empire
Esper Music - These creatures are the source of magic
Forest Music - It's dark, and strange creatures are lurking everywhere
Mines Music - Mines and caves are everywhere in this game
Figero Music - Edgar and Sabin's kingdom
Magitek Factory Music - Very upebeat, yet mechanical sounding
Opera House Music - Arguably the best music in the game
Serpent Trench Music - Water (and you) flow very fast through here
Phantom Train Music - Add a couple of ghosts to your party temporarily
Veldt Music - Primitive like its natives
Zozo Township Music - It sounds annoying at first, but it has a very addicting tune
Colesseum Music - Fight for better items here
Kefka's Tower Music - The final stages of the game
Battle Music - Fight!
Boss Battle Music - Bigger than your average fight
Atma Weapon Battle Music - It's hard to beat
Crisis Battle Music - i.e multiparty battles
Final Battle Music - Kill Kefka!
Memories Music - Played when a character is reliving a memory
Disaster Music - The WOB becomes the WOR
Ending Music - Finally done!
FF3 Midis ZIP File - Download the entire FF3 Collection in one ZIP file
Final Fantasy VII
Baret's Theme
Tifa's Theme
Aeris' Theme
Cait Sith's Theme
Cid's Theme
The Turks' Theme
World Music
Chase Music
Chocobo Music
Highwind Takes to the Skies
Bombing Mission Music
Costa Del Sol
Forested Temple Music
Fireworks Music
Jenova Battle Music
Chosen by the Planet Music
Sinra Tower
FF7 Midis ZIP File - Download the entire FF7 Collection in one ZIP file
They MIGHT BE Giants
She's an Angel - They Might Be Giants
Ana Ng - Licoln
Birdhouse in Your Soul - Flood
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - Flood
Fingertips - Apollo 18
Subliminal - John Henry
Why Does the Sun Shine? - Why Does the Sun Shine? (single)
TMBG Midis ZIP File - Download the entire TMBG Collection in one ZIP file
Other Midis
Andante - Mozart
Cannon in D -
Fugue in G Minor (The Little Fugue) - J.S. Bach
Cantina Music from Star Wars - John Williams
Theme from Mission Impossible - U2
Theme from Jurrasic Park - John Williams
Theme from Secret of Mana
Theme from Leisure Suit Larry III - Al Lowe
Duelng Banjos
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zepplin
Temple of Love - Sisters of Mercy
Harvey The Wonder Hamster - "Weird" Al Yankovic
The Time Warp - The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Other Midis ZIP File - Download the entire Other Midis Collection in one ZIP file