A Little About Myself...

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Real Name: Keith Everson
Age: 18
Birth Date: March 11, 1980
Sex: Don't I wish (Male, DUH!)
Location: Stoughton, WIsconsin (MOO!)
School: Most recently Edgewood High School (Madison, WI)
Meyers-Briggs Personality Type: INTJ
Blood Type: Caffeine
Philosophy: Be yourself! If you're not yourself you must be someone else, and I don't like them.

As it says above my real name is Keith Everson. Stoughton is a city of about ten thousand people that exists about twenty miles southeast of Madison, WI. I recently graduated from Edgewood High School(yeah!). Edgewood is a private catholic high school. I liked it fine there, but there was way to many jocks and preps for my own taste. Luckily, I have a group of friends about two-dozen people strong, who I still keep in touch with. We are all people with our own personalities and brains. We call ourselves "The Table," though the preps have begun to call us "The Darksiders." We don't mind this much because we know that they are stoopid. I am a heavy coffee drinker, and I also like ALMOST anything else that contains caffeine. My philosophy mentioned above is what I truly believe. At Edgewood, many people don't know who they are, and they'd rather pretend they were someone else than find themselves. This makes me very unhappy with them.

My Favorite...

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Color: Red
Food: lasagna (and most other Italian)
Drink: Orange Juice
Soda: Soda
Coffee: Mocha
Place: Scotland
Book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)
Movie: The Princess Bride
Director: Steven Spielburg
Cartoon: Animaniacs
TV Show: Star Trek - The Next Generation
Video Game System: Super Nintendo
Video Game: Final Fantasy III (DUH!)
Computer Type: IBM Compatable
Web Browser: Netscape Navigator Gold 3.04
Calculator: TI-85
Class: Science
Music Style: ANYTHING (except rap or country)
Song: Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)
Music Group: They MIGHT BE Giants
Classical Composer: JS Bach
Contemporary Composer: John Williams
Comedian: Billy Crystal
Science Guy: Bill Nye
Personality Trait: sense of humor
Activities: drama tech, listening to music, computers, spending time with my friends, playing video games, eating, sleeping, tinkering with things, making fun of stoopid people or things, and telling or listening to jokes

My Computer...

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Processor: AMD K6 233 MhZ
Hard Drive: 2.1 GB and a 5.2 GB
RAM: 72 MB
CD Rom: 24 speed
Sound Card: Sound Blaster AWE 64
Video Card: SVGA 24bit True color, 4 MB VRAM and a Voodoo2 3D Graphics Accelerator with 12 MB of VRAM
Modem: 33.6 BPS Hayes Compatable
Case: Mini-tower
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 95

I pride myself on being a computer geek. As a computer geek, I am very particular about my computer. My computer is a very nice, lovable IBM compatable. I named him Eddie after "Eddie the shipboard computer" from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I keep a stuffed bunny (Willard), a stuffed sheep (Janet), and a Pentium II Guy (Mmax) on top of my computer to keep it company. I bought Eddie with my own money from Credence Computer Services in Madison, WI. He was custom built to be very kewl.

The Internet...

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Besides spending time on this homepage, I also do other things on the web. As a true computer geek, I must have an email address. Here is mine: theENiGMA42@geocities.com I am also a frequent user of a chat client called Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Using a program called mIRC, I enjoy the luxuries of real time chat. The best thing about IRC is that it is free. On IRC I use the DALnet servers. I frequent several channels. You can find me in #Coffee_Shop most often. You may also see me in #Wisconsin, #lifesucks, or #teen-cafe. I use the nick of theENiGMA almost always. If you see me, say hi. For those of you with AOL (HAHAHA!!!...sorry) I also have the AOL Instant Messenger stand-alone. It works the same as the AOL IM feature. My nick is theENiGMAq.

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