Updated December 25th 2008

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I was a child of the 1980s. From 1981 to 1986, my playtime was spent with the G.I. Joe, Transformers and Masters of the Universe figures in my small but enjoyable collection. I still remember it quite well: Short-Fuze, Snow Job, Deep Six (w/S.H.A.R.C.) and Crankcase (w/A.W.E. Striker) for consecutive birthdays. Cosmos, Seaspray, Twin Twist and Grimlock for a Christmas or two. Mekaneck, Hordak and Dragon Blaster Skeletor for various celebrations - probably a mixture of Christmas and birthdays. These toys make up my original 80s collection and were most likely given away sometime after 1986. That was the year I lost interest in toys. Interestingly enough (or perhaps not :), exactly a decade later I started collecting G.I. Joes again, then Transformers and finally MOTU. Since 1996, I have pretty much maintained a constant interest in collecting 80s toys and related merchandise like comics and cartoons. The re-launch of each toyline has helped bring new products out and although a lot of it is underwhelming, there's some real good stuff available, too. Never in a trillion billion years did I ever think I'd see G.I. Joes done up like their comic counterparts. Or for that matter, characters that only existed on comic paper until 2004. Masters of the Universe sculpted Spawn-style! Or G1 Transformers reissued and available at retail! G.I. Joe started it all in 1997 with "The Real American Hero" collection! I think 2002-2005 will be remembered as the high point for 80s nostalgia, which includes things like the aforementioned toylines and various TV shows like Robotech (also covered here). Even so, the juggernaut that is 1980s nostalgia continues...did anyone ever expect the idea of a live-action Transformers movie to actually become a reality?!?
Note: While I do enjoy living in the 1980s at times, my main interest is making music:
Since 1998...10 years of completely useless information!!!
(c)2008 Xingauchang Productions
This site is strictly for entertainment purposes...for remembering a time when life was simpler. Any trademarked/copyrighted stuff is property of its respective owner and not me. Should be pretty obvious...I didn't invent G.I. Joe!