The Scientific Method

Informational Testing

Physical Testing

The skeptika Test

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These pages discuss methods of scientifically testing séances.

I may disappoint the more mystical types by insisting on scientific method for this testing, but for that I give no apology. Séances are either trickery or they are the manifestation of the paranormal. It does no good to the argument of a mystic if he or she is willing to hide the efforts of tricksters. I am certain that many apparent séances are hoaxes. To get better understanding we need to eliminate the possibility of trickery and this is why I insist on the scientific method. For those who are unfamiliar with the scientific method, follow the link above for my interpretation.

I have made one rather large assumption in these pages, that is that when you conduct a séance, the glass or pointer does move. I'm sorry if that offends some hardened skeptics, but I have seen a séance work so I cannot pretend otherwise, even in some pretense of "fairness". The fact that the glass moves is merely a basis from which I form my hypotheses. If you want to test whether the glass moves, feel free. I know it does, and I want to know how.

How do we use the scientific method?

The first step is to develop a hypothesis based on observation and/or speculation.

One can observe during a séance that the glass moves. We can speculate that the cause is either trickery or the paranormal. We forward the hypothesis that the cause is the paranormal and set about to test it.

From the theory page you see that there are two basic ways that the glass could move, due to action of the people involved in the séance or by some sort of telekinetic or poltergeist force. Thus there is either (A) some action of the spirit on the minds of the people to provide information or (B) the spirit acts directly on the glass in some physical or paraphysical way.

The first is tested by the most popular suggestion given when asked "How do you test a séance?" This suggestion goes along the lines of "Ask the spirit that you are communing with a question or series of questions that the spirit and only the spirit could know the answer(s) to". For want of a better name I call this Informational Testing.

The second is tested by the second most popular suggestion, or what I call Physical Testing. If the glass or pointer in a séance moves, and none of the participants are directing its movement, consciously or subconsciously, then there must be some other force acting on the glass or pointer. This is simple Newtonian physics, which states that things don't move without a force acting on them. It should follow that this force is measurable. Physical testing attempts to detect and measure this paranormal force.

After much thought on the topic I have put together my idea of how, with just a few items, anyone can test a séance. I call it The skeptika Test.

A professional mentalist (a magician who uses deception to 'read minds') suggested a test also, Mr Majik's Experiment.





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