The following are links to Shareware ftp sites and brief descriptions of what the programs allow you to do with VGA Planets. There are many other addons available, these are only the ones tried and recommended by myself and reliable friends. Eventually I plan to add a program-name only "not recommended" list.
Highly recommended computer player designed to play like a human.This
program can play any race when registered (1,2,10 & 11 for shareware
version). Registered or not it can play as a registered or shareware
player! Each race can be individually set to play aggressively or
defensively. The Q can also be configured for up to 5 teams of two or more
players, computer only or with humans. Once setup The Q runs automatically
for each race with host. If there's a TRN file it doesn't run, if
there isn't it doesn't. SHAREWARE PLAYERS TAKE NOTE: Once another computer
player has played your turn as if registered that race cannot be played
by a shareware version of Winplan for the rest of that game! If your
host is going to use a computer player for missed deadlines Shareware players
must insist on The Q or not having their races played by the AI at all!
Another computer player but you don't want this one until you've got
your registered copy of WinPlan. There are a number of different
admirals with a variety of styles bundled together in one handy package.
The latest and reputedly greatest C-player yet. Doesn't cheat
at all because it can't. Runs off the players RST info rather than
the HOST data. Haven't seen it in action yet myself though.
Download now!
Also highly recommended but use with
caution. This program will randomly rearrange
all 500 planets in a wide variety of configurations. My personal
favourite is a ring of as many clusters as there are races with another
cluster inside the ring. Even the diameter of the clusters can be
varied. The reason caution is necessary is that this program will
automatically overwrite your default map and planet name files. Simply
save them elsewhere or under a different name before running this program
and you'll have no problems.
Download now!
This program is fantastic for team games or where the Host wants to
encourage alliances. It allows players to transfer planets to any other
player with a ship in orbit at the start of a turn. Uses the same format
as the already existing ship transfer protocol. Just set the planets FC
to GPN instead of a ships' FC to GSN. Not to worry, GivePlan has a safegaurd
against the Romulans abusing this with their Super Spy mission. The best
part is you get the planet intact! Populations, resources, structures (including
defense) and starbase (including all tech levels, defense and fighters).
The only change is that builds are cancelled, hulls recycled and you can
still only build your own hull types.
Go get
it now!
Wish you had Biocides but your sworn enemy from the last game already
chose the Borg first? This is the download for you! Now all your players
can have their first race picks! Any combination of races is possible.
Be warned though. It's a very different game if all 11 players are Gorn
or there are 2 Romulans trying to out bid each other for an alliance with
the one Borg player.
Download now!
We live in a 3 dimensional universe, VGAP is 2 dimensional. This
program increases manuevering options for the players by allowing a ship
that reaches a certain point on one side of the Echo Cluster to be instantly
transported to the other side. This works with both normal square
& circular maps. Not recommended for your first experimental
game(s) but an interesting twist once you have a fair idea about what you're
Download now!
I LOVE TACCOM!!! A very useful player utility. Remembers planet and
ship data for future refernce. Including scan/dark-sense message info.
If the host of your game is supporting this program it will also share
data between allies.
Download now!
Recommended only for games exclusively for vetran players. This program
is run after Master and HConfig but befor the initial Host run. It
allows you to change planetary, starbase, ship and star chart presets in
detail. On the starchart you can relocate one or all the planets
to specific coordinates. You can start a game with all 500 ship slots
filled. At the planetary level you can assign each planet to any
race. Pre-build factories, mines, defenses and even a starbase as
described below at EACH planet! Set colonist and native race populations,
money & supplies and native race & government level.You can preset
starbase tech levels as well as pre-build as many as 99 of each possible
ship component. Only the planetary and starbase functions are saveable
on the shareware version.