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              "Imzadi, What does it mean?  Well it has several meanings. The surface level is simply 'beloved' or 'dear one' But when used with certain people, under certain circumstances.... well you need to know the further nuance to it to understand its full meaning......... It means....the
first.  You see the concept of Imzadi goes beyond the physical....... To be Imzadi is to go far deeper than that. Don't you understand, Will?  Other women may have had your body......but I'm the first who's ever touched your soul."

                "How much worse for you, Riker? When you call out with your mind, 'Imzadi, and there's no one to respond, no part of your soul that acknowledges that the word has any meaning to anyone else, what will happen to you then?.......When your heart's been cut out, how's it gong to feel knowing that you're the one who wielded the knife?"

            "He called out, as he had called out in hopelessness and despair for year upon year of desolation.  And the answer came. Whether it was from within him, or whether it came from somewhere out there in the galaxy, from someone who was the better part of all that he was, he couldn't be sure.  But it was there just the same. Tears came to his eyes as he heard, in his head, the words that he had waited half a lifetime to hear.  Sweet and musical, in a voice filled with promise. And the words were:  Welcome home.....Imzadi."
                                                                         (excerpts from Peter David's novel "Imzadi")

 "Do you think when we get away from here, my feelings about her will change?" "Your feelings
about her have not changed in all the years I have known you. This planet just let them out for some... fresh air." -Riker & Data "ST: Insurrection"







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