Hi, my name is Lev Chterenberg and I am a student at University at Stony Brook. I was born in the city by the name of Chernovtzy in Ukraine 20 years ago. Right now I am in college trying to get into a Med-School. I decided to make this Web Page because my best Friend Alina told me it would be a good idea to have a page where we could have our pictures posted so the people we met through Kulichki Chat Line could see us; plus I wanted to make a Web Page for over two years now. THANX ALINKA!!!
My interest are: computers, Sci-Fi&Fantasy books, Rock music and poetry.
The pictures are a little bit to dark. I will fix them in a couple of days!!!
Fotografii nemnogo te'mnie. Ya ih ispravluyu cherez neskol'ko dnei'!!!
This is ME with my Best/Childhood Friend Ella on my 20th birthday party.
Eto Ya, s moei Luchshei podgugoi detstva Elloi, na moe'm 20-let'em den' rozdeniya.
This me with two of my best friends Oleg(middle) and Alina(right).
Eto Ya s Moimi Luchshimi Druz'yami Oleg(center) i Alina(spravo).
This is my friend Ella in Manhattan, NY.
Eto moya podruga Ella v Manhattan, NY.
This is me with two of my best friends, Ella(left) and Alina(right).
Eto Ya s moimi luchshimi podrugami Ella(slevo) i Alina(spravo).
This is my two best friends, Arik(left) and Stas(right).
Eto moi dva luchshih druga, Arik(slevo) i Stas(spravo).