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Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him Horatio.
Spinning skull

Hello there *waves goodnaturedly*
I am John, aka Ragged_Worm, (Lumke got lost, slippery little bugger, I'll find him again).

But most importantly I am known as Monkeys Uncle

This Place will be my home, so it had better look good. *smiles*

LE FastCounter

You are person number My Counter to have accessed my page.

This Page was created on Sunday, October 5TH,1997, and has since then gone through many gradual changes.
Some of these changes may only have been noticed by a very keen eye, while others were very obvious.
I last updated on Saturday, Sept 26TH,1998
(almost 6 months from the last time)

Buy some Crafts from me!
I am making some trinkets with beads and would like to sell them.
Right now I have a few small bead critters put together but I have no prices yet.
If you would like more information mail me at

I now have a (very small and pathetic) page here dedicated to
wheel of time_small
Which is I would have to say, the best book series I have ever read.

The 'Me' Page, everything you need to know about me

All my pages are covered in some neat True Type fonts.
If some look plain to you then you are missing some fonts I am using.
Click here and follow my instructions.
This is the way to my library. Here you can read my reviews on the books that I have read,
and get a glimpse of the reviews I will be adding.
All the books listed can be purchased online by following the links to Amazon Books.


Oh, lookie here. Its my Links page
Any comments or suggestions you can e-mail me at
or you can try my other e-mail address, the one I can get my mail from frequently at
I just noticed an error I had from an earlier incomlete editing session on this portion of my page. It has been repaired so feel free to sign my Guestbook, there shouldn't be anything holding you back.

Looks like I am finally getting my ass back into gear on this webpage of mine. I have a scanner that I can use so it will just be a matter of time before I get some of my artwork up here (hopefully not too long).
Uhhh... the scanner is not working. Darn.
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There will be an imagemapped bar going in here, tee hee hee. My all pages link bar!! Site Navigation Bar
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