
8/19/01 I'm not sure what amazes me the most, the fact that this site is still here, that it's been here for four years now, or that people are still visiting the site. I pretty much lost all interest in this site and the stuff on it, but since I am currently unemployed and waiting for a new job to come my way, I've got some free time. I'm also spending my few, few (heh) free hours working on a new MOO called Vergotha and which can be found at Vergotha. The creators are all originally DragonRealms players who got really fed up with the DR game and decided that we would, could and shall do it better. In the future I hope (cross my fingers and hope to get a herniated disk) to have some interesting little tidbits here from Vergotha. The land of the Vergothan Empire is HUGE and rich in history. In fact, the history actually makes sense, which is more than I can say for another online game out there. Come on over and take a look. I am rather busy right now with work for the game and job searching, but I've still got some stories that need to be uploaded. If I get bored by everything else, I'll see if I can get them up on the site. Hey, on a different note, any good manga artists out there willing to work for peanuts? Let me know.

12/5/98: Wow, it's December in the Heartland and only now is it getting cold enough to warrant closing the windows and turning on the heat. Tis a strange year all around, eh?

Finally getting the buttons and hyperlinks changed around on the pages here at the Ramparts. Found this cool little Perl program online that builds JavaScript for MouseOver events for me ::purr:: And with it I actually learned how to do the code myself. Who know, there just may be hope for me yet ;)~

Added a new section to the Ramparts! Say "Hello, Howdy Doo" to my GURPS page! Like everything else here at the Ramparts it's starting out small, but I hope to have a lot more there before long, including some fiction.

Speaking of fiction, I've almost finished up work on "An Experiment In Clay" and "Rainmaker". After that I hope to get to work on some of the other pieces that are missing from the Ramparts and start work on some new pieces. And yeah, I do need to finish work on uploading Will to Survive.

Oh, and Merry Fucking X-Mas, tis the season of the marketer and the retailer ::grumble::

Whoops, nearly forgot... Don't expect any updates of any kind to the DragonRealms page in the near future. I have left the game and glad for it. There is nothing worse, IMHO, than a game with incredible potential being wasted. The worst part is that it is being wasted on self-centered, egotistical programmers and sycophantic players. Ah well, cest la vie...

6/8/98: Hm, been a while, hasn't it? Well, since the last time that I updated this little page called updates, I've uploaded a few more stories, can't be sure which ones anymore... Drago is gone ::weep:: He has been replaced with a nice piece of marble for the index page backrground. My struggle with link buttons continues. These, at least, you can read. However, I still can't figure out why PSP won't save them as transparencies ::grumble:: If you can give me a clue, I'll give ya a kiss ;)~

The new DragonRealms story, "Skindancers", is now up and in place and can be found with Arris Sethrampranick's other works in Descolade's library.

As for the future, who knows... I still have the rest of the chapters from the book, Will to Survive to upload and I need to work on a lot of stories and chapters and whatnot, blah. So, basically, if it's here, it's here. Otherwise, be patient and wait. Not like I'm getting a thousand hits a day or something...

3/15/98: Whoa! Where have I been all this time, eh? Good question... Well, right now I am back down to just one job, though I will probably have to pick up a second one again, like it or not ::grumble:: There have been some additions since last I wrote here, but I never got around to updating this page. Anyways, today I just put up two new stories: "Schalkt" and "Room with the Last View" Oh, and all those other stories that state that I'm still working on them for one thing or another? Well, I'm still working on them... Heh, but hopefully I will be able to speed up the Update process. For now, enjoy the new stories. Later...

1/18/98: I can't believe I edited the whole thing... Well, not all of it, but I've got all but about 5 or 6 of the books from DragonRealms Elanthian libraries up on the site now. Hopefully on Monday I will have the last few books up and will also has gotten the two books dealing with Desecrates Duvalier up as well. From there we go to the Moon Mage sub-guilds, some of the other fiction stories that I still need to get crossed over and then work on some new poetry. The poetry part ought to be interesting, haven't done any original poetry in about 5 years time... Oh, and the inspiration for said poetry will be Marilyn Manson of all things ::chuckle::

1/14/98: Okay, got link-backs to GeoCities set up on most of my pages now ::sigh:: Some of the big stories I can't get the links to fit into the code because the GeoCities editors seem to have a few little quirks to them... Anyways, once this linking business is done I'll be getting back to work on the really important stuff. :)

1/2/98: Didn't realize I had been out of circulation for so long... Well, got "Patchworks" up finally. It's only been sitting beside the computer for about a month now. GeoGuide is updated as well. Don't know if my banner needs to be changed or not, though. Anyways, I hope to get a lot more done this weekend (1/3/98-1/4/98). We'll know by January 5th ;)~ Projects are now as follows: Finish editing into HTML code the stories that I have listed on TOCs and getting them uploaded, linked, etc. Update my Links pages. Get back to work on DR related stuff, though I am not currently in the game. Planning on putting up the collective books of the land of Elanthia and introducing you to my alter ego, Desecrates. Heh, that should be fun. From there we go back to loading more chapters of both Jabberwocky, Lord of Chaos and Will to Survive, the Fall of Dragons. And throughout all of this maintain my sanity and equilibrium. See you later...

11/13/97: Amazing what you can do in 24 hours with very little sleep, a quick road trip, being stuck out of town and what not ;) Anyways, got stories "The Fetid, Humid Nights" and "Porch Swings and Family Graves" uploaded under the Horror Link. Under the Fantasy Link got the first chapter of Jabberwocky, Lord of Chaos uploaded. Created the Other Links page which has links related to Lewis Carroll. Now then, what is the next project? Ah yes, more stories to upload and get back to work on the Moon Mage Treatise ::sigh::

11/12/97: "Huzzah!!" Finally got the image links on the DragonRealms Links page to work. Had a couple that always showed up broken. They are in working order now so please look at them for the artistic joy if not for the wondrous info that you can find at all the sites!

11/9/97: Getting ready to upload the site for the first time. Still a lot of stuff not in it yet, but will be working on it as time allows. Hopefully I've got all the links set up correctly. If not I will endeavor to fix them ASAP. Will take some time to get the fiction over from where it is currently residing (pretty much in a different computer on a different format). Hope to get it all up soon, though. As for the original art I am still pestering some of my friends to get to work on it ;)~

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