Welcome to my own little GURPS page, based on the generic rule system created by Steve Jackson and published by Steve Jackson Games.  In my time I have had the opportunity to play TSR's Basic Dungeon&Dragons, Advanced Dungeons&Dragons, hybridized AD&D, Earthdawn, GURPS and other Fantasy Roleplaying Games (FRPGs).  However, I have to say that the latitude and freedom of character creation in GURPS is by far the best, IMHO ;)

What's so great about GURPS?  Well, for starters, GURPS has the capability of being ported to any game platform, be it Fantasy, Modern Day, Chthulu, Space, Cyberpunk, Vampire etc etc etc, ad infintum.  When I say that this system has the most versitility, it is no understatement.  And for as comprehensive as the rules set is, there is still room for individual Game Master (GM) interpretation and House Rules.  To find out just how good it is yourself, may I suggest that you check out the SJGames homesite (click on banner above) and order yourself a copy of the Basic Rules (or check with your local gaming store).  I promise that you won't be disappointed.

Currently I am involved in play in a very rich world of fantasy, created by my friend and GM.  When I get his permission I'll give you a taste of his world and the special House Rules that we use to enhance play in GURPS.  For now, however, I would like to take the time to show you some of the great books that are currently coming off of the presses at SJGames as well as some characters that I use in the fantasy world setting.

As time goes by and I get some details about the world that I am currently playing in I'll try to share with you some of the stories that I have in mind in regards to my characters and some of the misadventures that they get themselves into.

btw, I currently attend IOU as a nontraditional student.  Despite all the money that I've scraped together to bribe one of the deans into revealing what the "O" stands for in IOU, I've still had no luck ::sigh::

Des's Motley Crew of Characters:

Janis Ithcairn--Priest of Ixis, God of thieves and commerce
Janelle Thornheart--Cursed Spellblade and all out bitch...
Perwyn Allucia--Priest of Pandeus, God of battle in all its glorious forms
Tobrius "Toby" Shin--A 13 yo psionic and mage in the making.  If this curious lad manages to grow up, he's going to be scary!
Mirium Starcatcher--A mage/thief who was last seen in search of her true love (too bad he's not looking for love!)
Qualid "Winter" Sethingarn--An albino healer and ice mage.  He may be dead now, but his memory lives on...

For a great computer character builder, may I suggest Armin Syke's wonderful GURPS Character Assistant.  It's the character builder of my choice and has the capability to be expanded and customized to work with every new SJG book that comes out!

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