KATHI - 08/11/00 00:39:01
Favorite item in this site: HORROR
James Upchurch - 01/09/00 00:16:01
My Email:arminius58@hotmail.com
Favorite item in this site: horror stories
You have some great horror stories.
- 09/29/99 20:39:22
GABY VALADEZ - 05/21/99 03:49:23
dickhead - 04/22/99 16:13:55
My URL:http://www.cheesewhiz.com
My Email:asdf@asdf.com
Your DR character: asdf
Favorite item in this site: asdf
pookie mon rules!! thanks for the info!
Eugene - 03/14/99 01:40:10
My URL:http://clipartplace.simplenet.com/main
My Email:cubsfan45@geocities.com
Your DR character: ???
Favorite item in this site: ???
good site i guess...
- 01/12/99 00:45:32
Cindy - 09/23/98 11:21:05 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
G'evening! Only recently I have been accepted into the great profession of Moon Mages. Your Treatise has created a sort of excitement within my soul. I only hope that those closest to the gods can somehow understand the importance of the many points you
made. Although I am but one small person - I am willing to support all scribed in the document. Thank you! Your respect for our profession has in turn created an even stronger sense in myself that great things are bound to come as long as we all come t
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 11:16:59
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Edo Steinberg - 06/27/98 19:20:06
My URL:/TelevisionCity/7061
My Email:edost@geocities.com
Favorite item in this site: The SF
Cool page.
Billy B - 04/25/98 23:14:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/amphitheatre/7660
My Email:namlulu@aol.com
Hi, very cool, nice site to visit, interesting, just surfing around killing time, transport to my http:// some time an say hello, cya Billy B..Myrtle Beach...next to the HardRockCafe..NN8Z & KE8ZM.."73"
how do you git the guest book to work mine wont work i need help will you help me.
Troy - 04/01/98 06:30:20
My Email:Trespass71@aol.com
Your DR character: Grimshander and others
Favorite item in this site: Short story section.
Shard - 03/24/98 23:39:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/lair/9579
My Email:ice_shard@yahoo.com
Your DR character: The Ice Mage
Favorite item in this site: can't decide...
Love the site..
Traci - 03/13/98 23:33:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/3266/
My Email:remy@empnet.com
Your DR character: none
Favorite item in this site: Poetry
Nice site!
- 03/13/98 06:08:25
My Email:Iniura@worldnett.att.net
Your DR character: Ninee
I enjoyed reading the treatise, thank you for the time and thought you put into it, you have many creative and useful ideas
Lucylou98 - 02/15/98 03:02:53
My Email:Lucylou98@AOL.com
cool site dude!!!!!!!!!
KieraDax - 01/24/98 12:55:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/4224/
My Email:RampartAdmin@Yahoo.com
Your DR character: KieraDax
Favorite item in this site: Everything
I am the Master of Rampart...and I have to say that your page is wonderful ;-)
Jaron Widman - 01/16/98 22:12:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Fortress/1657
My Email:agarcia@impulsedata.net
Your DR character: Vladimiir Lodewolfe
Favorite item in this site: The DR part
Nice page. Keep it coming!
a - 11/29/97 08:29:49
Todd Munderloh - 11/28/97 04:22:36
Whats a DR character?
c1mmaron - 11/16/97 22:41:23
pretty good site bud, enjoyed your poetry keep up the good work.
SammyFire - 11/16/97 04:19:47
My Email:SammyFire@aol.com
Your DR character: Miilo Nosrednas (human thief) and Dakodo Damanz (human bard)
Favorite item in this site: Dragonrealms
This is a good site, will probobly come back often.
SammyFire - 11/16/97 04:14:48
My Email:SammyFire@aol.com
Your DR character: Miilo Nosrednas (human thief) and Dakodo Damanz (human bard)
Favorite item in this site: Dragonrealms
This is a good site, will probobly come back often.
Jenni/LadyGwyneth - 11/15/97 07:37:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/3011/index.html
My Email:LdyGwynth@AOL.com
Your DR character: the late Myckala Charmaigne, Jaidyn Ul'rond, and Destonie Charlemaign...
Favorite item in this site: the original work.
I was privileged to read "Dead Man's Run" a couple years back, and I am anxious to read some more of your work. Keep up the good work! This is an excellent beginning!
Kara L Stolte - 11/12/97 17:54:33
My Email:KaraSC1057@aol.com
Favorite item in this site: Fantasy
The Green lettering is a little washed out but
other then tnat it looks good Darlin'
Sann Dee =) - 11/12/97 05:02:12
My Email:strryiiz@aol.com
Your DR character: Crazy Diamond
Favorite item in this site: POETRY!!!!!!!!!!!
YOu are OBVIOUSLY a VERY talented writer! I would like to suggest that you show your stuff to your mechanic...who will show it to my computer repair guy...who knows a friend of a publisher!!!! =)